Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

My two favs to pull out on other music fans that get them worked up:

Live Through This > Bleach, Nevermind, In Utero

or more bluntly

Hole > Nirvana


James Brown was much more influential and important than Beatles

That last one is just a fact. I don't hate the Beatles at all and I think the trendy hating on the Beatles train is misguided as it's pretty stupid an arrogant to deny that the Beatles had a massive global impact on pop music. The thing is, I'd argue Brown had equal the impact globally, and his innovations actually lasted longer. His emphasis on rhythm started in the late 60s continues to define popular music worldwide, while less and less people care about concept albums from white dudes in costumes.

On a point of equality, James Brown and John Lennon were both horrible people outside of their music.
Kid A is fantastic, but I will say of all their albums, it's the one I often feel like revisiting the least, with possibly the exception of Pablo Honey. I also stand by my opinion that the Amnesiac version of "Morning Bell" is infinitely better and that "Treefingers" hurts the album's flow severely.
Kid A is fantastic, but I will say of all their albums, it's the one I often feel like revisiting the least, with possibly the exception of Pablo Honey. I also stand by my opinion that the Amnesiac version of "Morning Bell" is infinitely better and that "Treefingers" hurts the album's flow severely.

On the flip side.

How to Disappear Completely is possibly their most beautiful song.
Idoteque and National Anthem are massive,
Everything in its right place is perfect.
Yeah the songs Kid A and Treefingers are dire but the rest is so good and so groundbreaking.
I think people now couldn’t possibly understand how much of a headfuck this album was for a Radiohead fan on release day back in 2000!
On the flip side.

How to Disappear Completely is possibly their most beautiful song.
Idoteque and National Anthem are massive,
Everything in its right place is perfect.
Yeah the songs Kid A and Treefingers are dire but the rest is so good and so groundbreaking.
I think people now couldn’t possibly understand how much of a headfuck this album was for a Radiohead fan on release day back in 2000!
Let me be clear: I love the album. And while I may not be my *favorite* necessarily, there's no denying it's one of their best and most important works. But I can see why someone might not like it as much as they think they're "supposed to" based on its reputation.

Also the title track is one of my favorites on the album.
Let me be clear: I love the album. And while I may not be my *favorite* necessarily, there's no denying it's one of their best and most important works. But I can see why someone might not like it as much as they think they're "supposed to" based on its reputation.

Also the title track is one of my favorites on the album.

No one is supposed to like or not like anything but I’ve never got the particular dislike certain people aimed at this one just because they didn’t remake the bends or ok computer so I’m always going to go into bat for it!
maybe I need to listen to it more, but it REALLY isn't growing on me
But have you ever listened to it...

Seriously, when this album came out it was my go to “gettin’ High” album some combination of weed or LSD. I think I still get almost a contact high when I hear the opening to “Everything In It’s Right Place”. I mean it’s a great album regardless but I did notice that a lot of my friends were much more receptive to it in an “altered state” than when they were stone sober.
My Radiohead Hot Take: In Rainbows (while phenomenal) is still Radiohead 3rd best album (at most) and doesn’t belong in the same tier of indie rock cannon as OK Computer and Kid A. The reason that it often is included with the others has more to do with the order in which you experienced the albums; lots of peoples first exposure was to Radiohead was through In Rainbow and thusly feel the album carries more weight than it actually does.

I am not saying it’s a bad record, by any stretch it is a great album, but it’s great like The Bends and Moon Shaped Pool are great, not like Kid A or OK Computer which are; all-time great.
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My Radiohead Hot Take: In Rainbows (while phenomenal) is still Radiohead 3rd best album (at most) and doesn’t belong in the same tier of indie rock cannon as OK Computer and Kid A. The reason that it often is included with the others has more to do with the order in which you experienced the albums lots of peoples first exposure was to Radiohead was through In Rainbow and thusly feel the album carries more weight than it actually does.

I am not saying it’s a bad record, by any stretch it great but it’s great like The Bends and Moon Shaped Pool are all time great not like Kid A or OK Computer.

Yeah I listened to them all almost in order (Pablo honey was the only one I didn’t get contemporaneously and I bought it just after I got the bends). In Rainbows is my second favourite and I think it’s only a smidge off OK Computer with Kid A in 3rd...

Also you don’t need to be high to appreciate Kid A by a long stretch.

My next hot take. If you need to be high to think something is good it is isn’t, it’s shit, the drugs are good...