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Meh. Obvious troll is obvious.VMP Forum > N&G Forum
Meh. Obvious troll is obvious.VMP Forum > N&G Forum
maybe I need to listen to it more, but it REALLY isn't growing on me
maybe I need to listen to it more, but it REALLY isn't growing on me
I mean its my favourite all time band but that's one that i consider to be one of their 3 10/10 albums...
And the other two are OK Computer and The Bends right?
Give It Away and Suck My Kiss for me"Soul To Squeeze" and "Breaking The Girl" for me.
Kid A is fantastic, but I will say of all their albums, it's the one I often feel like revisiting the least, with possibly the exception of Pablo Honey. I also stand by my opinion that the Amnesiac version of "Morning Bell" is infinitely better and that "Treefingers" hurts the album's flow severely.
Let me be clear: I love the album. And while I may not be my *favorite* necessarily, there's no denying it's one of their best and most important works. But I can see why someone might not like it as much as they think they're "supposed to" based on its reputation.On the flip side.
How to Disappear Completely is possibly their most beautiful song.
Idoteque and National Anthem are massive,
Everything in its right place is perfect.
Yeah the songs Kid A and Treefingers are dire but the rest is so good and so groundbreaking.
I think people now couldn’t possibly understand how much of a headfuck this album was for a Radiohead fan on release day back in 2000!
Let me be clear: I love the album. And while I may not be my *favorite* necessarily, there's no denying it's one of their best and most important works. But I can see why someone might not like it as much as they think they're "supposed to" based on its reputation.
Also the title track is one of my favorites on the album.
But have you ever listened to it...maybe I need to listen to it more, but it REALLY isn't growing on me
My Radiohead Hot Take: In Rainbows (while phenomenal) is still Radiohead 3rd best album (at most) and doesn’t belong in the same tier of indie rock cannon as OK Computer and Kid A. The reason that it often is included with the others has more to do with the order in which you experienced the albums lots of peoples first exposure was to Radiohead was through In Rainbow and thusly feel the album carries more weight than it actually does.
I am not saying it’s a bad record, by any stretch it great but it’s great like The Bends and Moon Shaped Pool are all time great not like Kid A or OK Computer.