January 2023 Spinning Challenge: Welcome To 2023

Day 3: Three is the Magic Number
Play a wonderful third album by an artist you love.

This one is a fantastic record selected in a vinyl stack by @Wes C. Attle and happens to fit the clue here so I'm using it. If you haven't tried the Make A Vinyl Stack thread, check it out here

Freedy Johnston - This Perfect World

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Reminds me of one of my favorite movies of the 90s Kicking & Screaming.
Here we go...

Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.

Earth Wind & Fire "That's The Way Of The World" (1975 Columbia; 2013 Speakers Corner)
Going to start the year with a little positivity. And with a tribute to the recently departed Fred White.

Day 2: Hangover
I suppose technically the hangover was yesterday but still. Play an album to soothe a well earned sore head!

El Michels Affair "Sounding Out The City" (2006 Truth & Soul)
Some soothing instrumental soul with a fantastic cover of Hung Up On My Baby to close out the set. Seems appropriate.

Day 3: Three is the Magic Number
Play a wonderful third album by an artist you love.

The National - Alligator

Their third album was my first of theirs (I downloaded it on eMusic!), and because of that it's still my favorite.

Day 4: Lyrics
Play an album artist in which the lyrics really speak to you.

I was introduced to his songs by the "I'm your fan" tribute album, they've stuck with me ever since.
The vinyl version is called Greatest Hits, the streaming version is called The Best of. Same tracklist.

Leonard Cohen - Greatest Hits

EDIT: Once again Apple Music is linking to wrong album, I haven't figured it out yet.
Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.

Japandroid - Celebration Rock
Kickin’ off my first spin of 2023 off with a bang! Japandroid is such a shot of adrenaline for my first day back to work of the new year. We celebrated appropriately on New Year’s Eve too.

Maybe we don’t go as hard as we did back in 2008 but we still know how to have a good time.
Day 2: Hangover
I suppose technically the hangover was yesterday but still. Play an album to soothe a well earned sore head!

Jason Collett - Idols Of Exile

I love Jason Collett and especially this album. He is/was a member of Broken Social Scene but makes more rollicking style of Singer/Songwriter indie rock, on this solo outing Collett collaborates with several of his with BSS compadres Brending Canning, Kevin Drew, Amy Milan, Emily Hayes, and Leslie Feist.
Day 3: Three is the Magic Number
Play a wonderful third album by an artist you love.

Pavement - Wowee Zowee
Yeah, spinning Pavement AGAIN… but how could I not? They have 5 studio albums that are are all very close to perfect. That includes their third album, Wowee Zowee, a record where Malkmus and company attempted to veer further into the underground after a close brush with mainstream success on their previous album, Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain. As abrasive and odd as this album can be at times it hits everything that makes Pavement great it just takes a bit more work to get there.
Day 4: Lyrics
Play an album in which the lyrics really speak to you.

Stevie Wonder’s Original Musicquarium


It’s a compilation, so there are many great songs. From “Superstition”:
“When you believe in things
That you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition aint the way"
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