January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

January 8: Anakin/Vader - Play an artist that changed (persona, genres or some other thing that made you view them differently)

Fleetwood Mac "Penguin" (1973 Reprise; 2020 reissue)
Fleetwood Mac went through many changes, from the early Peter Green bluesy era, to this Bob Welsh era that also introduced the Christine McVie, which I like to call the transition, to the Nicks/Buckingham era that started with the 1975 self-titled.

January 11: The Princess’s Theme – Play an ass-kicking female artist.

Wasn't sure the right prompt this month to put it in, this one seems very appropriate. Back in 2004 one of the members of the 501st legions daughter was dying from brain cancer, and he came up with the idea of creating a droid to watch over her. Long story short, R2-KT came from that via help from Lucasfilm and has made various appearances over the years, including this version that was originally sold at the San Diego Comic Con in 2007 to support the Make A Wish Foundation.


For my spin, I'll go with another ass-kicking female who was an early pioneer for the transgender movement.

Wendy Carlos ~ Tron Soundtrack

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January 10: Smuggler’s Groove – What would Han and Chewie listen to aboard the Millennium Falcon?

Curtus Mayfield "Superfly"
(1972 Curtom; 2022 Run Out Groove reissue)
No question Chewie controls the stereo and he funks it up like any hairy 70's smuggling mutherfucker would.

January 7: Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.” Play something you misheard or misquoted.

Caribou - Swim

Not me, but a friend heard "chicken steak, chicken steak" for the chorus of "Odessa."

January 12: The Mandalorian Way – Play a lone wolf.

Damien Rice - 9

Wasn't sure if this meant lone wolf in the sense of one and done, or a lone(r) solo artist. If the latter, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody flying further under the radar that previously enjoyed success.

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January 7: Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.” Play something you misheard or misquoted.

This isn't my official post for this day, but I can never miss an opportunity to share this...

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January 7: Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.” Play something you misheard or misquoted.

My official play for this prompt.

For years I heard "Wrapped up like a douche, you know they're on her in the night."

Admit it - you did too...

The OG Manfred Mann is on this soundtrack...

The Lords Of Salem Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

January 8: Anakin/Vader - Play an artist that changed (persona, genres or some other thing that made you view them differently)

NY is a chameleon that follows the music where it leads him and always does it justice and that's why I love him.

Each change made me view him in a higher light.

From 1980 to 1985 his releases were as follows -
Raw Rock & Roll

My man.

Like most in this period, an underrated record...

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Reactor
