January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

January 17: The Best Pilot in the Resistance – Play something bold, rebellious or, maybe, a little reckless.

Neil Young choosing to head to the ditch in his famous quote from Decade is probably akin to Luke choosing to escape the farm and go shoot womp rats in beggars canyon or choosing to go with Ben Kenobi to Mos Eisley.


Neil Young ~ Decade

January 7: Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.” Play something you misheard or misquoted.

Remember that one time when Mick left Keith’s pie in the oven for too long and he wrote a song about it?

🎶 I’ll never leave your pizza burnin’🎶

The Rolling Stones - Some Girls

That sucks I hope ya feel better back stuff is the worst.

Aren’t you a doctor? Can’t you write yourself a script for Flexeril or is that not something that doctors are supposed to do?
That’s what I did, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory and bed rest.
Second time it happened in 2 months, had an MRI on Monday, thankfully no disc damage.
Physical therapy and exercises to strengthen the lumbar muscles is next.
Day 17: The Best Pilot in the Resistance

- If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power


Going from her biggest album in “Manic” (which had a mostly ‘pop’ sound) to a more artsy, industrial-influenced alt rock album was definitely a bold choice… tho not a surprising one from Halsey, who’d always prided themself on being alternative.
January 18: The Dark Side Beckons – Sinister, give me sinister.

A band I'm pretty sure no one here but me knows.

Lotsa cues from Sabbath but also lotsa fun.

Plus, who knew Rick Grimes could rock like this...

Was gonna play their record Sinister Rites Of The Master (for the added 'sinister'} but there aren't any good clips and this is better anyway.

Funeral Horse - Psalms For The Mourning

January 13: Jedi vs. Sith – Play something that captures a battle of light and dark (or, perhaps, loud and soft)

Russian Circles - Empros

Light and dark, not to mention very loud and very quiet...
