January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

January 4: The Cantina Vibes – Spin a funky album that could play in Mos Eisley.

I don't know that I would call Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes funky. Apparently their sound is based on Benny Goodman (or, if this took place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, maybe Benny Goodmans sound is based on them?). Specifically the Cantina Band song is based on / inspired Sing Sing Sing.

Benny Goodman ~ The Famous Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert Vol. 3

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January 5: Rise of the Sith – Give me something dark, powerful and menacing.

Magnolia Electric Co - What Comes After The Blues

Not sure about menacing, but powerful and dark for sure. Hernia surgery went well this morning and this will be my spot for a lot of the next week recovering! Pulled the chair into the office that my Mom made me promise not to get rid of when she passed. Damn comfy! And always have some company with Zoe, hopefully she won't be constantly be moving me for dinner at noon.

January 5: Rise of the Sith – Give me something dark, powerful and menacing.

Magnolia Electric Co - What Comes After The Blues

Not sure about menacing, but powerful and dark for sure. Hernia surgery went well this morning and this will be my spot for a lot of the next week recovering! Pulled the chair into the office that my Mom made me promise not to get rid of when she passed. Damn comfy! And always have some company with Zoe, hopefully she won't be constantly be moving me for dinner at noon.

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FIrst of all, glad to hear the surgery went well. When can you golf again?

Secondly, we thought alike on this one....

January 5: Rise of the Sith – Give me something dark, powerful and menacing.
Molina is always dark and powerful, and I find the cover menacing.

FIrst of all, glad to hear the surgery went well. When can you golf again?

Secondly, we thought alike on this one....

January 5: Rise of the Sith – Give me something dark, powerful and menacing.
Molina is always dark and powerful, and I find the cover menacing.

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Thanks! Probably going to be a couple months before I try to swing the sticks again, which is fine with the weather around here lately.

And that Molina box is so good!
January 7: Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.” Play something you misheard or misquoted.

The first time I saw Pearl Jam (10/25/2000) they played the San Diego Sports Arena. Ed and Matt both saw Kiss there when they were growing up, and Ed referred to Mike McCready thinking "I want to Rock And Roll All Night, and party every day" was "I want to Rock and Roll all night, and part of every day". So I'm gonna go with that. Plus I think that near the end of their run and after a show, Gene getting changed backstage probably looked a lot like Darth Vader without a helmet.


KISS ~ Alive!

January 7: Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.” Play something you misheard or misquoted.

Rush "Moving Pictures"
(1980 Mercury; 2015 reissue)
I always hear "Monday warrior" instead of "modern-day warrior" in Tom Sawyer.

But let me digress and tell you a completely different mis-heard word story. So my mother-in-law is Taiwanese and cannot pronounce r's. They all sound like l's. A pretty standard pronunciation problem for certain Asians. We all know this, and can decipher her very well, but sometimes it still leads to hijinks. This was a good 20-25 years ago, my GF and I were heading with the in-laws to one of their friend's place for a Christmas-day dinner. Being first-generation immigrants, they kind of created their own community of expats from different places. People without a ton of immediate family nearby that would get-together for holidays like this. So the people hosting us were mixed, Indian husband and british wife. We were approaching the house and my mother in law commented pointing at something hanging near the front door, "look, that's a nice Christmas "celami" ". Of course, I heard salami and was wondering what kind of British tradition it was to hang a salami outside your door at Christmas. I mean, brits are weird and have all kinds of unusual traditions (no offense brits, but face it, you're weird), so it never crossed my mind that this was not the correct word. Why not hang some welcoming salami outside your door at Christmas? I was of course excited by this unusual turn of events and started looking around at the decorations. Alas, no salami. Turns out that the intended word was "ceramic". Borrrrrring. I liked salami better. Anyway, to this day, I keep the tradition alive and always wrap up a fancy "Christmas salami" to give my GF for Christmas. Basically, every year there's a wrapped present in the fridge that comes out at the last second on the 24th at our house.

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