January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

January 21: The Rise of Skywalker – Choose a triumphant or hopeful track.

Jimmy Eat World - Surviving (specifically track "Recommit")

This song speaks to fighting against what society tells one they should be doing, which seems rather apropos for this week. For the record, and with no intent to get political, we've (in my opinion) released ourselves from complacency and need to brace for too much showmanship and narcissism. Green party might as well not exist, but bipartisanship isn't the answer or resolve.
January 18: The Dark Side Beckons – Sinister, give me sinister.

Mercury Rev's take on this Bobbie Gentry classic leans into the southern gothic sound, with a different female vocalist lead on each track. Lucinda Williams delivery on Ode to Billie Joe is especially effective.

Mercury Rev ~ Bobbie Gentry's The Delta Sweete Revisited

