March 2021 Challenge Thread

March 13: National K-9 Veterans Day - We love dogs, play something with an image of a dog, song about a dog, dogs barking.

Hop Along - Bark Your Head Off, Dog

This PIF from @Fleetwood-Matt arrived yesterday- just in time for today's theme. (Thanks again!)


BUT- I got scooped by @D Jilla, so I followed it up with this to make up for it:

Elbow - Giants of All Sizes

With the line "I'm not a dog for the end of days" (from the opening track, "Dexter & Sinister")


And, on the poochie front, we're currently petless, but my mom is moving soon and will only be able to take two of her three with her, so in the next couple of months we'll be adopting this cutie, named Coco:

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March 14: National Pi Day - Play some Math Rock - or something associated with numbers.

Was there ever any doubt...

15-60-75 The Numbers Band - Jimmy Bell's Still In Town

A lot of weird things came out of this past year. My friendship with Robert Kidney is arguably the weirdest. It's still surreal to see my phone light up and the caller ID reads "Bob Kidney".

My signed, sealed, 1975 OG copy sent to me by Bob in appreciation for stirring up interest in this record via N&G AoTM Vol. 15.


You can order this outstanding double LP on color vinyl direct from the band for a measly $28 shipped in the US or $35 shipped international.

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March 13: National K-9 Veterans Day - We love dogs, play something with an image of a dog, song about a dog, dogs barking.

The highlight for me of this release is the song Me and My Dog, a short and precisely told story of love and loss and a tiny bit of what brongs comfort in ones mind at that time.

Then it leads into Souveneir which is just rude.

Boygenius - BoygeniusPXL_20210314_140146483.jpg

March 13: K-9

Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog

Always grateful for a chance to spin my favourite album of all time! In addition to the title and cover, there are references to dogs on several other tracks. (Eight of twelve, by my count.)

My quarantine "project", as it were, has actually been to learn every song on this album on guitar. About two-thirds done and it's been a blast and a nice challenge.

March 14: National Pi Day - Play some Math Rock - or something associated with numbers.

Elephant Gym - Angle

How about some Taiwanese math rock?
