March 2022 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread - Here It Goes Again

Play an album that helped you get through lockdown.

One of the best things about the pandemic was having the time to go back through the collection and rediscover records that were at one time Top Of The Pops and then fell on the back burner over time.

One of my favorite lockdown rediscoveries was Yo La Tengo. Always loved 'em. Already had a bunch of their records. Saw them live a number of times. Had played them inconsistently over the last few years.

Yo La Tengo can bring it in any fashion - loud, soft. visceral noise, quiet introspection.

The best part - Yo La Tengo can not only play, they have a top-shelf sense of humor. This video is sublime. @Joe Mac - you hip?

LIkely, my favorite music video of all time. Yo La Tengo, Bob Odenkirk, David Cross, John Ennis....sublime.

Yo La Tengo - Electr-O-Pura

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Play an album that helped you get through lockdown.
played this constantly when out for my daily walk, its the perfect beat for walking pace and a brilliant pop record, it was one of the last gigs before lockdown and one of the first back after, I just love this record, the CD is Mrs G's

Emily Capell – Combat Frock​

Label:Boho Records – BOHO3LP
Format:Vinyl, LP, Album
Released:4 Oct 2019
Genre:Pop, Folk, World, & Country
Emily also did a few lockdown streams and videos to keep busy here is a great cover she did
Play a break-up album or one with songs about heartbreak.

Recorded after the McVies divorced, whatever Buckingham and Nicks "relationship" was, and Fleetwood was also having marriage issues.

Fleetwood Mac – Rumours
Reprise Records – 517787-1, 1977/2011

2 x 45 RPM

Cut by Kevin Gray and Steve Hoffman at AcousTech Mastering
Pressed at Pallas


Play an album that helped you get through lockdown

During lockdown I was mostly listening to everything and anything Steven Wilson touched. His remix of this Chicago album was one that I went back to multiple times. But I had a hard time finding a copy on vinyl and at the time those available were going for $40 or so, which back then seemed way too high. So it wasn't until a couple weeks ago, when I found this Collector's Edition in the Elusive Disc sale for $50, that I grabbed a copy. $50 with the bonus stuff made it seem less bad. I haven't watched the DVD concert yet, but am looking forward to it.

Play an album that helped you get through lockdown.

This album really hit hard when it came out in Feb of 2020. It deals with pain and loss, and yet done so beautifully and eloquently.
Also, Nathaniel was one of the last shows we saw before lockdown, and he was just him and guitar at Ann Arbor Folk Fest. He mostly did material from this album, and he broke down when he finished with Rush On, could barely croak out 'thank you' and left the stage.
Add in the fact that my family went through a heartbreaking loss when my brother passed in Feb of 2020. He had Down Syndrome and was truly the sweetest soul I've ever known.

I really connect with Rateliff's songwriting, and leaned on this record heavily during that time. (along with Tearing at the Seams, which I adore)

And right on cue, Rush On is playing as I type's so heavy.

whew, sorry, but that's what today's prompt brought out.

Play an album that helped you get through lockdown.

Various Artists "Brighter Days Ahead" (2021 Colemine Records)
Both Colemine and Daptone had great weekly digital release series I followed through the early days of the pandemic in 2020. This is a vinyl compilation of the Colemine series, as released in early 2021, and it's fabulous!

Play an album that helped you get through lockdown.

Codeine - Frigid Stars LP
Maybe I woulda gotten here eventually anyways but I think the quarantine helped reignite my love for Slowcore. I had picked up Numero Groups Duster box set in 2019 but it was 2020 where the dissonance of being cooped up in isolation all while the chaos surrounding the election and social upheaval raged on throughout many parts of the country and pandemic death tolls kept rising, turned me on to heavy doses of Low, Duster, Bedhead, Galaxie 500 and Codeine. It all makes perfect sense.
Day 35: Quarantunes

My Morning Jacket - The Waterfall II

Could have gone in several directions here: Neil Young's Homegrown, Dylan's Rough and Rowdy Ways, Bobby Lee's Origin Myths, and a bunch of others I do and don't have on vinyl. I certainly would have lost my mind (even more) over the last couple years if I didn't preoccupy myself with music. This one I don't think the band would have released if it weren't for lockdown—or not when they did, anyway—and I listened to it on tons of walks that first pandemic summer.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Celebrate by doing one of two things: 1) play an album by an Irish artist or 2) play an album you feel lucky to have found, for whatever reason.

Going with a band from Belfast.

Stiff Little Fingers – The Peel Sessions Album
Strange Fruit – SFRLP 106, 1989

Cut by Bob Jones at CTS Studios
Pressed at Adrenalin

