May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

Day 17 - Toaster Strudel Day
Angel Olsen - My Woman

I don't have much modern Pop in my collection. I do have some on my "to buy" list but that has been neglected lately as we are saving money. I'm not sure if anyone would describe this album as a Pop album first and foremost or not, but Shut Up Kiss Me seems like a perfect Pop song to me.


Edit: We had been listening to music for over half an hour while my 4 year old was doing a puzzle and he couldn't help but get up and dance once the first chorus of Shut Up Kiss Me came on.
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Quick check in for Day 16 loooong AF album, almost finished this Woodstock box set and there is a lot of really good music in it . Standouts for me are the Sly and the Family Stone, Hendrix, CCR , Mountain, Santana, the Who and Canned Heat. The special service announcements were fun, and I haven't come across a single skip, crackle or pop in the entire 100 or so hours . It's an overall very nice package, and it's been a fun listen although there's no way in hell I would ever pay full price for it.
Day 14: Joe Henderson - The State of the Tenor: Live at the Village Vanguard, Volume Two (catch-up edition)

Could have gone two ways with the mature album: either adult content or a work of maturity. I went with the latter (I'm doing some work and the kids are awake). Henderson is pushing 50 here and showing off some grey hair on the cover, but this album shows no sign of aging, just a mature artist exhibiting their craft.