May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

Day 25: An artist you haven’t seen live but would love to be able to

Probably will never happen with the band not really a band these days...and with Andy Partridge not touring after his breakdown withdrawing from Valium in 1982.

XTC ‎– White Music
Virgin International ‎– VI 2095, 1979

Cut by George Piros at Atlantic Studios
Pressed at Hub-Servall



Here's a new article....

Day 26: Discogs randomizer

I forgot I even have the app on my phone, as even on my phone I just use the web site.

Also a bit odd it picked this one, as I just got it in the mail today.


Genius / GZA ‎– Liquid Swords
Geffen Records ‎– B0023742-01, 1995/2015

Cut at NRP
Pressed at United



Do I actually have to play the record with the bad cover? I have one I hate, but the albums sucks so bad I can't bring myself to even open it...I've kept it sealed for years.


Do I actually have to play the record with the bad cover? I have one I hate, but the albums sucks so bad I can't bring myself to even open it...I've kept it sealed for years.

Do it do it do it ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Take it if your showing green you’ve posted every day so far ?

Sort of. Because google sheets only goes up to column Z and doesn't go on to AA i couldn't think of a good way to represent days 26 through 31. so i came up with the green and the double x's. ill turn it from yellow to green if you did both day 1 and day 26, then tomorrow it'll be for day 2 and day 27, etc. if you have any better ideas on how to represent that let me know! Once you complete all 31 ill highlight your name a color (probably blue idk) and put the name in the hat,
Sort of. Because google sheets only goes up to column Z and doesn't go on to AA i couldn't think of a good way to represent days 26 through 31. so i came up with the green and the double x's. ill turn it from yellow to green if you did both day 1 and day 26, then tomorrow it'll be for day 2 and day 27, etc. if you have any better ideas on how to represent that let me know! Once you complete all 31 ill highlight your name a color (probably blue idk) and put the name in the hat,
Sounds good! Excellent work👨‍🏭
Day 27: Least favorite album cover

Well this one is synonymous with bad artwork ...the mighty damp squib that was Born Again..Ian Gillan, Sabbath , what could go wrong ? Gillian’s recounting of how he joined is worth reading , but alcohol definitely involved...haven’t listened to this in years since buying in Asda as a 12year old’s actually not too bad ..this original vinyl is way better sounding than the remastered cd to quote Gillan “I saw the sleeve and it made me puke” 🤮

Black Sabbath “Born Again” 1983

Day 27: Least favorite album cover

Well this one is synonymous with bad artwork ...the mighty damp squib that was Born Again..Ian Gillan, Sabbath , what could go wrong ? Gillian’s recounting of how he joined is worth reading , but alcohol definitely involved...haven’t listened to this in years since buying in Asda as a 12year old’s actually not too bad ..this original vinyl is way better sounding than the remastered cd to quote Gillan “I saw the sleeve and it made me puke” 🤮

Black Sabbath “Born Again” 1983

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I don’t think the album is too bad either. Quote a few decent ideas on it.