May 2021 - Vinyl Spins Challenge Thread

Day 23 - Food

Well, yesterday was a busy afternoon with a long bike ride and kids swimming lessons, so it was just leftovers for dinner and no spinning. So, here’s an on-the-nose food album (haven’t played this in a while and it’s hitting the spot).

Day 24: Bob Dylan’s Birthday - Bob is 79. Play something by him or something you think he’d like.

Dylan two-fer today. I haven't listened to this album in sometime, but I do love Jokerman. Going to follow up this listen with the Grateful Dead / Dylan rehearsals that are up over on etree.

Bob Dylan ~ Infidels


Day 23: Food

So Sunday is all about having a big Sunday meal, traditionally a roast over here, surrounded by family. Play me some music that you love to cook to. Bonus points for a picture of your culinary inventions!

Ahhhhhhhhh, food and music, my favorite subjects.
Music selection hinges on company/meal type for me.
If I'm alone in the kitchen, I usually go with some punk or post punk. If my wife has joined in, I usually play some jazz if I'm making dinner or some power pop if it's lunch.
We had a cool, crisp sunny day yesterday, so I fired up the grill and a power pop playlist (streaming).

Flank steak & lamb sausage

Sweet potatoes (they are not burnt, they are charred - that's what I told my son, I'm sticking to my story)


Sloan is a big part of my playlist
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Day 24: Bob Dylan’s Birthday

Bob is 80. Play something by him or something you think he’d like

Bob Dylan - Self Portrait

Celebrating Dylan’s birthday with one of his most confounding albums. Weird covers and half thoughtout ideas abound in all their messy brilliance still the are several wonderful moments such as the album opener in “All The Tired Horses” and the wordless “Wigwam”

Day 23: Food - So Sunday is all about having a big Sunday meal, traditionally a roast over here, surrounded by family. Play me some music that you love to cook to. Bonus points for a picture of your culinary inventions!

Dixie Chicken and chicken thighs.
I grilled them this time instead of using the smoker, I like the results better. I’m pretty much just using the smoker for ribs and pork shoulders now. Still haven’t attempted a beef brisket yet.

Day 25: War! Huh! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing At All!

Stars - Set Yourself on Fire

"He Lied About Death" is an earnest but somewhat clunky burst of righteous Bush-era anger, but "Celebration Guns" channels that same energy into something beautiful and heartbreaking.

Day 23: Food
You Gotta Have Soul - Raw Sonoran R&B and Funk 1957-1971 (2020, Zia)


So I'm not much of a cook honestly. But we finally live in a spot with a lil backyard and a grill and I'm itching to learn the real deal dad trade of grilling. That aside, when I do put food together, I like to put on something in the soul or funk worlds. Fun stuff that generally our whole small family will dig on.

This is a really really great comp together by the wonderful Jason Woodbury for Zia not too long ago. A whole bunch of local Phoenix area gems that haven't seen much light of day. the first track is right on the nose in the food theme (and it's a great tune).
Day 24: Bob Dylan’s Birthday

Bob Dylan - Planet Waves (1974, Asylum)

I really respect Dylan. Great songwriter obviously, poet of the 1st degree, huge legendary figure in American music. ...I just have never been a fan of listening to much of Bob's music.

I am aware I'm in the minority here, but, I dunno, it's just not my thing. I find his singing frequently just absolutely intolerable. Sorry folks. Love it when others play his tunes!

I picked up a copy of this album not too long ago, hoping that the backing of The Band, who I do really dig, would be a gateway into this newest attempt of mine to 'get' Dylan. But no. I just want him to stop yelling at me. But happy birthday! 🎂
Day 25: War! Huh! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing At All!

Sun Ra - Nuclear War


Sun Ra genuinely thought he had a hit song with "Nuclear War," and truly he should have, but people are scared of the word motherfucker so major labels and radio stations wouldn't touch the song. My personal introduction to the song was on DJ Spooky's Live Without Dead Time which came with an issue of Adbusters circa second Iraq war. There were a lot of great antiwar jams on that mix, but this was the absolute standout to college-aged me.

Decades before recording "Nuclear War," Sun Ra resisted being drafted in 1942, declaring himself a conscientious objector and refusing to show up at Civilian Public Service in Pennsylvania which led to his arrest and subsequent detention for a few months before he was reclassified 4-F for his chronic hernia. Embittered and angry he threw himself deeper into music when he got out and, upon the death of his great-aunt Ida shortly thereafter, left Birmingham for Chicago.
Day 25: War! Huh! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing At All! - The military industrial complex and the fetishisation of military and military personnel are really worrying for a pacifist like me. I see it all as a huge threats to the future of democracy. Play me anti war protest music or music by a pacifist or about pacifism.

My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

'The Ghost of You' is considered a peace/anti-war song about the fear of losing a loved one. The music video flashes between a USO dance and being on the front lines, where, spoiler alert, one of the band members is killed. It's a pretty moving song and video:

Day 19: Family

Play an album that you were introduced to in your youth by your family and that you still love today.

I got some catching up to do.... Also, I'm not sure I'll be able to match N&G records with the rest of the clues. I've not planned this very well ;)

Anywho, You're all my internet family, so here is Nicole Atkins, introduced by @Teeeee. Hope you're doing alright, Teeeee!

Nicole Atkins - Goodnight Rhonda Lee

Day 20: Scottish Tunes

The country my Dad is from. Play me something by an artist born in Scotland.

Alright, I found a very weak link to Scotland in one of our N&G selections. Tortoise ‎– TNT have a couple members with the "Mc-" surname, Douglas McCombs and John McEntire. There are also credits for performers and thanks for Wyndham Wallace, Kathryn Frazier, and Susan McCarthy. These are all Scottish surnames, so there is likely some relation by at least one of them.


TNT - Tortoise

Day 25: War! Huh! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing At All!
The military industrial complex and the fetishisation of military and military personnel are really worrying for a pacifist like me. I see it all as a huge threats to the future of democracy. Play me anti war protest music or music by a pacifist or about pacifism.

The Flaming Lips "At War With The Mystics" (2006 Warner Brothers Records)

Going back to the Flaming Lips for the second time this month with their anti-war album featuring cosmic wizards. The joyful opener "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song" sets the tone with its opening statement:

If you could blow up the world with the flick of a switch would you do it?
If you could make everybody poor so you could be rich would you do it?
