
I look at Twin Peaks: The Return as probably my favorite moment of "watching television" in my adult life. Just the anticipation of each episode for that whole summer, watching it after watching GoT season 7 episodes (which made season 7 look extra poor), trying to even guess where he was going to journey next. With the nature of most episodes having a band "perform" at the end, I was expecting the whole series to end with all the characters just staring at each other as the last 2/3 of NIN's "The Background World" played.
I don’t know if I’ll ever have as wild and great a TV watching period as 2016 when new Twin Peaks and the last season of the Leftovers episodes were airing simultaneously.
Watched Magnolia for the first time tonight and I am in pain

Beautiful but long AF.
I remember not knowing its length going in the first time. So much of that movie is rising action, I thought all the stories were reaching their climax about 90 minutes in, and it just kept going.

One of my favorites by a mile.
Watched Jacques Tati's Playtime last night while already exhausted from a long week, and the amount of stuff happening in frame for almost the entire runtime kind of overwhelmed me. I think I'm going to need to see again, awake, to fully appreciate it.
Watched The Suicide Squad after seeing people rave about it these past weeks.

It was (mostly) awful.

Lets start with the good parts. There are a couple really thoughtful shots throughout the film; I wish superhero directors would be more inspired with their cinematography and this movie has some great examples. The first shot of the film is a great example. Another is a fight scene shot through the reflection in a helmet. Thematically the Squad is a good fit for Gunn with their utter displodbleness, and the best segment of the film is probably the initial one in which that was highlighted. You could see it coming from a mile away, but still delivered a lot of laughs.

James Gunn really REALLY loves his cgi. There's hand drawn and 3d animation all throughout and it really starts to get grating. The best cgi characters really shine, but at some point it all just gets a little overwhelming and takes you out of it. There's also title cards. A LOT of title cards. Some of them are really artful shots where the text blends into the scene, but others just sound like Gunn writing a comic, and using some really bad transitions.

Then theres the worst of it. There's a hell of a lot of crude humor. Dude took the R rating and pushed it fas he could. There's a lot of dick jokes, and Tarantino levels of gore. Barely a scene goes by without some crazy gore or a stupid dick joke. It's really hard watching these actors put so much work into these characters just to read these lines that sound like their coming straight out of an edgy 14 year olds amateur script. This guy really needs co-writers, and lots of them. His voice shines through in the worst way.

And the songs. SO MANY SONGS. Dude saw the reaction to the Guardians of the Galaxy music and decided to put a pop song in every other scene. I don't think this 2.5 hour long movie had any silence more than maybe 2 seconds. There's scenes where he tries to be tender where the scene is practically screaming for silence, but he just puts some forgettable song over it. There's not even a common theme throughout the music, it's just whatever song on Gunn's phone matched well.

Also aside from the colorful animation the color grading is just as shit grey as all the other DC movies. It's a shame, I was really looking forward to this going into it. I like the John Ostrander SS comic a lot, and lots of people were giving this strong comparisons to that and Guardians of the Galaxy (which is just a vastly superior film, if only that his voice was strongly edited).

Just give this one a pass.
Going to double feature Candyman and The Night House at the theater tonight. Wee!

Wasn't originally drawn to The Night House based off the cliche ass trailer, but the reception has been good, and I learned it's loosely, spiritually connected to Hellraiser, so my interest has been piqued!
Loved loved loved both. We're going to be spoiled for horror this fall, y'all. Bring on Halloween Kills and Last Night in Soho.