
ok, thanks, that's what it appeared like to me, but wasn't sure if there was some other tier or something that allows that. thanks for the info.
Discogs at one point flirted with a movie, book, and video game version and if they were a competent platform they wouldn’t have shuddered those but since they can barely keep Discogs running they gotta put the few eggs they got all into the one basket.
Discogs at one point flirted with a movie, book, and video game version and if they were a competent platform they wouldn’t have shuddered those but since they can barely keep Discogs running they gotta put the few eggs they got all into the one basket.

yeah, i remember that (and the gear one), and was hopeful. alas. i'm surprised no one else has tried, to be honest.

I'd love a Bookcogs type site for sure!
(And have definitely had many times in bookstores that I've wished for one)
Mhmmm! Perhaps too much.

Only 28 5 star films my dude? High standards. Granted, I don't believe in bell curves, but 2 months into my Letterbox addition and I'm at:

1680 films rated
5 star reviews (9%)
4.5 star reviews (9%)
4 star reviews (20%)
3.5 star reviews (19%)
3 star reviews (17%)
2.5 star reviews (13%)
2 star reviews (7%)
Fillms under a 2 star (5%)

Considering there is a self filtering process (via critics and taste) as an adult that means I am more likely to watch something I like than not... those #'s feel right. I'm also somebody that doesn't believe in treating comedy differently though. And don't think a film needs to be a clear masterpiece to get a 5 stars so long as it's a classic that was influential and is well made. For example, I think there is an argument that American Pie is a 5 star film :LOL:. And as of now, I have Bottoms marked as a 5 star film because I've watched it 3x already, think its script was borderline visionary, that it nails a very difficult tone and that I can honestly say it's one of my 5-10 favorite film of this decade 4 years into it.

And then a 4 star film would be a great film that I'm likely to return to multiple times over the years, a 3.5 is a film I enjoyed but had clear flaws and a 3 star film is a film that I wouldn't necessarily recommend but have no regrets about watching had some merits.

Then again, I'm a hypocrite because the way I feel about brainless action films is the way a lot of people feel about comedy. For example, Speed and Die Hard are both marked at 3 stars on my Letterbox which some people I went to film school with would find offensive. Meanwhile, Drive, Kill Bill Vol 1 and Old Boy are all marked as 5 stars.

Anyways, just enjoy conversations about the subjectivity of art.
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Watched Warren Beaty's Bulworth tonight. Despite how many people behind the scenes probably told him "maybe not" I'm glad he didn't listen. A chaotic and hilarious time.

Overdue for a rewatch of that one and still have my DVD copy because it was never released on blurry.

Saw Dream Scenario on Saturday with family and friends. Really enjoyed its mix of Charlie Kaufman surrealist dark comedy and Ari Aster's (who produced) emotionally driven horror. Nicolas Cage also puts on one of his best performances and there are some really funny cameos along the way.

Go see it at your local indie theater and support A24 who had a rough year financially!
Only 28 5 star films my dude? High standards.

There are probably at least several more that qualify — I just haven't rated many movies I historically watched and logged retroactively. Recollection is a deceptive fiend, so live ratings keep me honest to myself. 4.5 is still a definitive high in my book.

I also don't rate everything I watch. A lot of the time it wouldn't be fair given my background watch habits and the sheer volume of cinematic content out there. No rating on a live log for me is general gray space for unimpressionable/fine with 3 being reserved for enjoyable/good and 2.5 reserved for downright boring/bland. 2 and below is for movies we'd have been better off without.

I hope my ratings spread shows I'm generally optimistic though and can find something to appreciate in most creative outputs (at least the impressionable ones).