
Absolutely loved Nosferatu. An atmospheric masterpiece.
I can understand why some folks don't seem to be liking it so much, but I don't agree with them at all.
Willem Dafoe and Simon McBurney were particular standouts, but the whole cast was great.
Skarsgård's voice was something else.
Visually stunning throughout.
Saw it last night; overall I’d say it was visually stunning and while it maybe didn’t bring a new take to the mythos, really focused in on the curse/romance angle in a way which made the story a lot more cohesive than I typically find Dracula. It was a bit slow at times though, and I hated how often the movie would trade in atmospheric dread for close-up jump scares.
Saw it last night; overall I’d say it was visually stunning and while it maybe didn’t bring a new take to the mythos, really focused in on the curse/romance angle in a way which made the story a lot more cohesive than I typically find Dracula. It was a bit slow at times though, and I hated how often the movie would trade in atmospheric dread for close-up jump scares.

I absolutely loved the pace of it but could easily see how some would find it slow. To me it slides in nicely with things like The Wicker Man, Get Carter and  Manhunter where mood is so vital, and the slower pacing can really help build that. As for the jump scares, I thought they did a great job of keeping viewers from settling into a complacency with the languid ugly beauty into which we were otherwise immersed. Never actually scary, but keeping us a little on edge, unable to fully settle in. For me, it worked quite well.
Talk me into/out of this:

it's worth it if you use the benefits. they did just change things around a bit - like, this month - and i think the price went up. so i won't be surprised if we've seen the best it will get, but as it stands i haven't regretted signing up (especially now, as i won a lifetime membership in their scratch off contest a few months ago).
it's worth it if you use the benefits. they did just change things around a bit - like, this month - and i think the price went up. so i won't be surprised if we've seen the best it will get, but as it stands i haven't regretted signing up (especially now, as i won a lifetime membership in their scratch off contest a few months ago).
Is the movie ticket benefit fairly east to use? There's a theater in Portland that shows basically every A24 movie so fi I could go there opening weekend, would make this benefit a much easier sell.

EDIT: Looks like it's onyl AMC, Regal, Marcus and Drafthouse. None of those in Maine. :(
Building up a Depressmas movie list; what am I missing?


Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

Fanny and Alexander

The Long Day Closes

Night of the Hunter

The Grandmaster

The Holdovers

All of us Strangers

Dead Poet’s Society
It’s a Wonderful Life is awfully depressing.

We watched the newest Count of Monte Cristo, the 2024 version in French. I love this story and catch every iteration of it. This newest is extremely fun, well acted, well shot and engaging. I recommend it.
It’s a Wonderful Life is awfully depressing.

We watched the newest Count of Monte Cristo, the 2024 version in French. I love this story and catch every iteration of it. This newest is extremely fun, well acted, well shot and engaging. I recommend it.
There was a weird horror movie called 976-EVIL 2 where a female character loved that movie so much and was transported into her TV by the villain of the film who then killed her in the background of the celebration at the end.

Finished Godfather Part 2 with the oldest. She liked it but felt it was a bit too confusing and enjoyed Part 1 a lot more. I agree with that. I enjoy Godfather Part 2 for the interweaving story, the time period quality of the Cuban Revolution, and obviously the ending. I just feel the first movie is more enjoyable overall.
My Godfather 2 story - I was recovering from ACL surgery and had rented a bunch of dvds to watch while laid up (this was like 2003) It was a 2 dvd set (this was old school, kids!) and the first scene opened in Lake Tahoe. I was super confused by the film, especially when it ended after an hour, but thought it must have been the painkillers. Well it turns out those painkillers had me start with disc 2 and not disc 1.