N&G Secret Santa

Yeah i should note that my discogs wantlist are mainly variants of stuff i have or over priced white whales. my amazon wishlist is more reasonable stuff. But i also love getting and hearing new stuff so dont feel tied to my wishlists
Yeah, my wantlist isn't very comprehensive, tho neither is my collection. This is my last.fm in case u wanna go off what I listen to daily
Does last.fm work with Apple Music? Like many my wantlist is relatively sparse and I welcome all music with open arms!
Is there a way of having an item bought on discogs shipped to my Santee? Im paired with a US member so it would make more sense to buy something from the US and have it sent direct?
Is there a way of having an item bought on discogs shipped to my Santee? Im paired with a US member so it would make more sense to buy something from the US and have it sent direct?

Update your Discogs account and PayPal address to your Santee’s and place your order. Then change them back to your normal address afterward.
I don't have a wantlist.

Feel free to get me whatever you want me to hear....new / used....i don't have a preference.

Clean out some of your own collection if you want.

this me.

to pile on what everyone else is saying, I love exploration and I'm pretty open to all sorts of sounds. no care if records are old or new, well-loved or shrinkwrapped. if you think I should hear it or would enjoy it, I'm stoked.
Whoever gets me, you don't need to go off my wishlist, I like to explore new genres, bands, etc so if there is something you think I should hear, don't be afraid to send it! You can also bypass my wishlist and go off of bands I do like and expose me to similar artists.

No matter what I will be happy <3
Samsies here!
That seems like a long way, but if the worst comes to it I will give it a go, cheers!

You can ask the seller in a note to ship elsewhere but, as much of a short cut as that seems like, it requires the seller to:

- read their order notes & messages
- be OK accommodating an order request
- be OK with the particular request sending to a different address (which technically nullifies PayPal's seller protection)
- be prompt with acknowledging and implementing a request
- more things

In less than 15 minutes, you can side step all of that and guarantee your Santee gets the package promptly without anyone needing to 'grant' the address request.
You can ask the seller in a note to ship elsewhere but, as much of a short cut as that seems like, it requires the seller to:

- read their order notes & messages
- be OK accommodating an order request
- be OK with the particular request sending to a different address (which technically nullifies PayPal's seller protection)
- be prompt with acknowledging and implementing a request
- more things

In less than 15 minutes, you can side step all of that and guarantee your Santee gets the package promptly without anyone needing to 'grant' the address request.
Yeah great point, I would likely reject that request myself.