N&G Secret Santa

what rules are there about used records... because my city now has a used record shop and i kinda wanna support them and see what i can get that can satisfy the santas needs (of course i'd still buy a new record too)
I have a question about shipping. How do we go about having things ship to the recipient? If we buy something on our account it will have our address on cogs and PayPal. Do we just ask the seller to send to another address? I’ve had sellers in the past not read messages so I’m just curious what is the best way to ensure the gifts end up in the right place?
I have a question about shipping. How do we go about having things ship to the recipient? If we buy something on our account it will have our address on cogs and PayPal. Do we just ask the seller to send to another address? I’ve had sellers in the past not read messages so I’m just curious what is the best way to ensure the gifts end up in the right place?

If you change / add the address on PayPal and discogs, eBay, etc., that's fine. I've done it for gifts in the past without any problem. A note to the seller might be good if they wonder about the different name. Just make sure to revert after shipping unless you want your Santee to receive your next purchases ;-)
Change your address to your Santee’s on eBay/PayPal as @apassant suggests. Erases the need to explain anything to your seller or possibly delay/cancel your order.
I have a question about shipping. How do we go about having things ship to the recipient? If we buy something on our account it will have our address on cogs and PayPal. Do we just ask the seller to send to another address? I’ve had sellers in the past not read messages so I’m just curious what is the best way to ensure the gifts end up in the right place?
If you change / add the address on PayPal and discogs, eBay, etc., that's fine. I've done it for gifts in the past without any problem. A note to the seller might be good if they wonder about the different name. Just make sure to revert after shipping unless you want your Santee to receive your next purchases ;-)

How else does Christmas shopping work ?
This boosted my festive feelgood factor 100000%