N&G Secret Santa

Dear Santee,

Your first gift should reach you by the end of the week! (A second one will come later in the month.) I hope you like it. It's one of my favorite albums of the last few years and, based on what I've been able to gather from your tastes, one I think you might enjoy as well. Hopefully you don't already own it!!
These two came today! Either my Santa did a good job creeping through my post history or has known from the VMP forum days. My wishlist had a mix of genres but I feel like you'd had to do a little digging to know country is my favorite. These were the 2 records I was hoping for the most, ngl. Santa, you did great! There was a note inside one of the boxes (they came separately in 2 boxes) telling me to expect something else later this week, which I'm confused about because either I'm getting something else or Amazon wasn't supposed to deliver these at the same time.
Are Santees alerted about an impending package or is the Santa tracking info for admin backup purposes, in case of an issue?

Question at the heart of it, will folks receiving early packages this week (or perhaps already delivered) know this or do we just check our PO boxes periodically old school 'in real life' style?