Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Back in the day when I worked at the stereo store, a co worker’s live in girlfriend left him abruptly, which created a financial issue for my coworker.

All of us offered to lend him money, which he refused.

His solution? Hard boiled eggs and chocolate milk during the day and store brand tequila at night. I’m talking white label with black print. Tequila. That’s it. Maybe $7 for 1.75 liters back then.

This went on for two weeks. One Saturday morning, he rips a hellacious fart that was the equivalent to an over the fence home run. Another coworker was nearby. The look on the fartee’s face was something to behold. I can’t even begin to describe it, although no one who witnessed it will ever forget it, He covered his mouth and ran out into the parking lot and puked like a champ. I think I saw a boot.

Good times.
So just so I am clear here... you think I should stay at home and starve and/or die from lack of medication?

Maybe he should have said it in a different way, but honestly if you feel it’s important to social distance and you have come into contact with the virus then you should do something about it. Get a test, self quarantine until you can. At the same time I understand the impulse to carry on as if everything is normal because it’s not affecting you. We don’t really have a roadmap for ethical behavior in this situation.

However, wishing that @highrantdistrict and @Chucktshoes will die is unacceptable.
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So just so I am clear here... you think I should stay at home and starve and/or die from lack of medication?
If you really believe that you have, or have been exposed to, COVID-19 it is absolutely incumbent upon you to be self-quarantining. You stated you live in Toronto, which is a major city, then why aren’t you taking advantage of the grocery delivery services available to you? I would also bet that there are ways to get your medication delivered as well. There is no reason to be so dramatic and hysterical in claiming that folks want you to starve to death. Folks just seem to be questioning if you’re the one possibly out there spreading pestilence, how are other people the problem in this equation?
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That’s normalcy bias keeping you blind. We’re lucky it’s only a souped up cold this time. There’s far worse out there waiting for a high test strain to go big.
Right, eventually some nasty bug that has laid dormant frozen in the permafrost of the tundra for eons will thaws out and wipes out a large chunk of humanity. Toilet paper will be the least of our worries.
To be clear, you are saying you are a person with a highly contagious infection out in public, but the other folks are the problem?
So just so I am clear here... you think I should stay at home and starve and/or die from lack of medication?
Of course you shouldn't starve and/or die from lack of medication! However, if you believe you have COVID-19, you should quarantine yourself and in no circumstances should you be in public places putting others at risk of infection. There may be people who are cancer survivors, who have asthma, who are elderly or have otherwise compromised immune systems who may die if they become infected through the carelessness of others.

Take advantage of friends, family or delivery services for the things you need, but please do not put others at risk if you believe you have this coronavirus. I know things are stressful right now - we're all stressed out and if you think you're infected, then your stress must be off the charts. I hope you aren't actually infected, and if you are that you recover quickly. You and your knowledge are an asset here and are appreciated.
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Don't have insurance? To bad. That's essentially what Trump is saying. There were calls to reopen enrollment on Obamacare for a Special Enrollment period so the millions of people who do not have insurance can get it. This will go a long way if they become hospitalized due to COVID-19.
So someone here calls for the death of two other members from COVID-19 complications, and the steps taken to address that are just to edit it out of all the comments that reference it? This feels a little out of character for the moderation here tbh. Are we just taking a mulligan and pretending that didn’t happen?

Edit: probably posted this prematurely

We are currently discussing what action to take.

I just edited the post and quotes until we come to a conscientious about what action to take as I did not want to leave that portion of the post public.

Thank you all for your patience.

Wait? What?
So someone here calls for the death of two other members from COVID-19 complications, and the steps taken to address that are just to edit it out of all the comments that reference it? This feels a little out of character for the moderation here tbh. Are we just taking a mulligan and pretending that didn’t happen?

Edit: probably posted this prematurely

It is April 1st and rent is due.

Just got an email that rent is due. Per our lease we must pay in full today. Any payments that are past due by more than 5 days are subject to late fees.

They listed out the steps on what you must due for the up to $4000 in aid the state has offered those who are unemployed to pay their rent.

They also said if you are unable to get this money by the 5th you can pay rent with your credit card online for a $150 fee.

That $150 fee is not the late fee if you pay after the 5th. We have always had that option when paying rent online.
My wife had to go to her school today for training on telehealth, which the administration thinks they will start doing in the near future. She works at a school for kids with developmental disabilities, so the idea of telehealth is already kind of asinine in our honest opinion, because of the needs of the kids and the inability of most parents to assist during the work day, but whatever.

She gets in today and the school's IT person leads with this:
"Has anyone told you why you're here?"
All of them: "No"
IT Guy: "Great, well at least that's consistent"

Putting them all at risk by having to go into the school without even having a plan. Lovely.
It is April 1st and rent is due.

Just got an email that rent is due. Per our lease we must pay in full today. Any payments that are past due by more than 5 days are subject to late fees.

They listed out the steps on what you must due for the up to $4000 in aid the state has offered those who are unemployed to pay their rent.

They also said if you are unable to get this money by the 5th you can pay rent with your credit card online for a $150 fee.

That $150 fee is not the late fee if you pay after the 5th. We have always had that option when paying rent online.
I got a text from my landlord this morning. "Good morning, just a reminder rent is due". No checking in to see if I'm ok, if my health is ok, if I have a job. Just, GIVE ME THE MONEY!

I don't like being told what to do. I especially don't like being told to do something I already was going to do.

I wanted to write him back and ask if his mortgage had been suspended on his INVESTMENT property. Grrrrrr…..