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I got a text from my landlord this morning. "Good morning, just a reminder rent is due". No checking in to see if I'm ok, if my health is ok, if I have a job. Just, GIVE ME THE MONEY!

I don't like being told what to do. I especially don't like being told to do something I already was going to do.

I wanted to write him back and ask if his mortgage had been suspended on his INVESTMENT property. Grrrrrr…..

What sucks are it's likely our landlords mortgage has been suspended. The reason why no action was taken on suspending rent is because they hoped suspending mortgages would make land lords more willing to work with renters.

In my case, a national corporations who manages my complex is standing by rent is not negotiable.

Most landlords that are working with renters are saying that eventually that rent will be due. This is not a free pass.

Unless the government orders a suspension on rent, I don't think it will ever happen.

The $4000 in aid MA is offering is only for those unemployed. And is less than 2 months rent for most in the metro Boston area.

If you take a pay reduction there is no aid for you. Better hope that $1200 will help you, but it could be 2 months off.

Also, I love how my property management company is still charging fees for paying by credit card. But hey, they can't loose any money to VISA or MasterCard and as an added bonus get a little extra rent out of the fee.

You would surely think they would be willing to eat the fee at a time like this. Especially if it means they get their money.

All stores eat the credit card fees. Why can't landlords?
I got a text from my landlord this morning. "Good morning, just a reminder rent is due". No checking in to see if I'm ok, if my health is ok, if I have a job. Just, GIVE ME THE MONEY!

I don't like being told what to do. I especially don't like being told to do something I already was going to do.

I wanted to write him back and ask if his mortgage had been suspended on his INVESTMENT property. Grrrrrr…..
Leaches of society.
I so agree. I've been such a great tenant. Never late. I fix stuff myself. I've only ever had to call him in for help 1 time in 4 years. I've seen his home - it is effing huge. He's not hurting for the money. It's just gross. Be a damn human, for once!

Looks like you are a good tenant, which would be a good reason too cut you a break. And I don't mean to single you out with the following question, but other than their personal ethics, I wonder what else would motivate him and landlords in general to cut people breaks in this situation? What benefits do they get by doing this? How do we encourage these breaks other than imposing penalties?
Looks like you are a good tenant, which would be a good reason too cut you a break. And I don't mean to single you out with the following question, but other than their personal ethics, I wonder what else would motivate him and landlords in general to cut people breaks in this situation? What benefits do they get by doing this? How do we encourage these breaks other than imposing penalties?

Goodwill? Compassion? Karma? Lol

But honestly - maybe there is no benefit. And should there be? It's an investment property. They usually reap great benefit from it. So, why is it so bad to ask that they assume some risk on it at times too? Perhaps a tax break would be ok. I don't know.
It is April 1st and rent is due.

Just got an email that rent is due. Per our lease we must pay in full today. Any payments that are past due by more than 5 days are subject to late fees.

They listed out the steps on what you must due for the up to $4000 in aid the state has offered those who are unemployed to pay their rent.

They also said if you are unable to get this money by the 5th you can pay rent with your credit card online for a $150 fee.

That $150 fee is not the late fee if you pay after the 5th. We have always had that option when paying rent online.
That $150 fee is a real kick in the ass. Your landlord sounds like a scumbag.
My rent is still due and I am still working so I can afford it. But the property company did send out an email a couple of weeks ago that said "If you have been personally affected and find yourself in a financial hardship please let us know as soon as possible." Which I think is them saying "If you can't pay, let us know and we can work with you to either suspend payments temporarily or something else". I don't know if they are doing that, but it sounds like if you need help they're going to help. They obviously, from their perspective, are not going to send out a mass "all rents will not be collected" email. I wish they would, but at least what they're doing something.
My daughter has been following the Diving Canada training program everyday now that the season is essentially over. 3 days of training via streaming from one of the national coaches and a national team athlete and two days of yoga that the whole family can participate in. I tried the yoga yesterday. It was hell for 10 minutes and I had to stop. These people can bend in ways that are inhuman.
It is April 1st and rent is due.

Just got an email that rent is due. Per our lease we must pay in full today. Any payments that are past due by more than 5 days are subject to late fees.

They listed out the steps on what you must due for the up to $4000 in aid the state has offered those who are unemployed to pay their rent.

They also said if you are unable to get this money by the 5th you can pay rent with your credit card online for a $150 fee.

That $150 fee is not the late fee if you pay after the 5th. We have always had that option when paying rent online.
I got a text from my landlord this morning. "Good morning, just a reminder rent is due". No checking in to see if I'm ok, if my health is ok, if I have a job. Just, GIVE ME THE MONEY!

I don't like being told what to do. I especially don't like being told to do something I already was going to do.

I wanted to write him back and ask if his mortgage had been suspended on his INVESTMENT property. Grrrrrr…..
So awful. I'm glad there are more and more rent strikes happening. I know most states aren't considering official action on rent, but I hope that changes swiftly. Absolutely disgusting.
That’s painting with a pretty broad brush. Land lords get a bad rap cuz the bad ones truly are terrible but the vast majority are good people.
Nah. The good ones are the exception--if any can be called "good." Just being a landlord is immediately morally perilous. Hoarding housing to turn a profit is evil.
So awful. I'm glad there are more and more rent strikes happening. I know most states aren't considering official action on rent, but I hope that changes swiftly. Absolutely disgusting.

Nah. The good ones are the exception--if any can be called "good." Just being a landlord is immediately morally perilous. Hoarding housing to turn a profit is evil.

I hate the landlords who's only source of income is from their tenants. They don't work real jobs.

There was one such landlord who posted on reddit a week or two back about his tenants having a rent strike. He was asking for legal advice on what action he can take to make them pay up.

Of course everyone flamed him. The only advice he actually got was let them have their rent strike. Doing anything would be more costly to you. Such as lost income due to evicting everyone, legal fees and bad press because the press would surely pick up a story about the land lord suing for rent / evicting everyone.

Even if the landlord holds the legal hands, is it worth it.