Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Another of my wife's coworkers tested positive today. This one is scary because she worked right next to her in the chemo-room on we're on a 'two weeks from last Wednesday' watch now. I need to find a way to just accept all this as it comes, the dread can become crippling if I let it.

Posts like this are really starting to scare me, the WHO recommends not wearing a mask unless you are sick or carrying it, however there are not enough tests available to know if you are actually carrying it, so basically, we have to hope that we don't run into another person who is also confused and not wearing a mask and now both people run the risk of one effecting the other. I get it that we have a mask shortage, but to tell people to only wear it if you are sick is going to make people like me who wear a mask every time I go outside to be considered carrier.
My dad went grocery shopping with a full face, charcoal filter, respirator. I think the time to be worried about people passing judgement about wearing a mask in public is over. You do you. If it makes you feel safer, do it.

Posts like this are really starting to scare me, the WHO recommends not wearing a mask unless you are sick or carrying it, however there are not enough tests available to know if you are actually carrying it, so basically, we have to hope that we don't run into another person who is also confused and not wearing a mask and now both people run the risk of one effecting the other. I get it that we have a mask shortage, but to tell people to only wear it if you are sick is going to make people like me who wear a mask every time I go outside to be considered carrier.

I think that's why the advice is to try not to come across another person in the first place.
so this post really makes me think I had it about a month back. Maybe it was just a normal flu, but I usually don’t get sick like I did. The cough was persistent for about 2 weeks after I got over the fever. No one else in my household or people I come into contact with had symptoms after me. at this point it’s all speculation.
This happened to me and like 3 other people in my office this year, but it was when the virus was still only reported in China. It was weird for us because we don't ever get sick either.
Within reason -- I do think that people tend to overlook some of the commentary about how if we're wearing masks then we're more likely to touch our faces more often to adjust them than we would if we weren't wearing them. Since our hands are some of the primary means of contracting the virus, you could put yourself at more risk that way if you aren't being mindful about that sort of stuff.
I had a discussion with my wife (the nurse) about how they are reusing masks and that it's basically them just making up new and creative ways to take the mask off without touching the front part and keeping that from touching anything else. So I get being mindful about wearing them. Same thing with gloves and cross-contamination. Seeing people with gloves on touching their phones or their faces makes me cringe.
Better stay away from me too, I might just infect you with my


I hope it's not like magnets...

Yeah it's definitely a bit tough to swallow some of the guidance about how if you DO wear a mask, be sure to dispose of it because it's definitely not meant for reuse, while my surgeon friends are posting on social media about using the same masks for 5 days in a row.

Granted, they're likely observing more careful protocols than my Aunt Linda pulling down her mask to take a phone call in the Kroger produce section, so it's understandable why WHO just defaults to not recommending usage at all.
I guess the saving grace with Battelle creating their giant UV mask sanitizing trailers is that they are almost literally across the street from the OSU medical center. So at least she may get to have her mask "sanitized" a little faster than the rest of the country.

Also fun fact, my dad, mom, and sister all worked for Battelle.

Posts like this are really starting to scare me, the WHO recommends not wearing a mask unless you are sick or carrying it, however there are not enough tests available to know if you are actually carrying it, so basically, we have to hope that we don't run into another person who is also confused and not wearing a mask and now both people run the risk of one effecting the other. I get it that we have a mask shortage, but to tell people to only wear it if you are sick is going to make people like me who wear a mask every time I go outside to be considered carrier.
I don’t know what it’s like where you are but everyone here is wearing masks all the time. Unless you have a reason to wear a mask, they’re more problematic than not.

people got to do what they got to do.
Public schools in Ontario will remain closed to teachers until Friday, May 1, 2020, and to students until Monday, May 4, 2020. As these dates come closer, this decision will be re-evaluated based on public health advice.

The second phase of Learn at Home features a new set of expectations for the education community, including:
• Reconnecting students with teachers and other school staff, including mental health workers;
• Re-establishing teacher-led learning by grade groupings as follows:
• Kindergarten-Grade 3: five hours of work per student/week (focus on literacy and math)
• Grades 4-6: five hours of work per student/week (focus on literacy, math, science and social studies)
• Grades 7-8: 10 hours of work per student/week (focus on math, literacy, science and social studies)
• Grades 9-12: three hours of work per course per week for semestered students; 1.5 hours of work per course per week for non-semestered students (focus on achieving credits/completion/graduation)

Learn at home website:
Public schools in Ontario will remain closed to teachers until Friday, May 1, 2020, and to students until Monday, May 4, 2020. As these dates come closer, this decision will be re-evaluated based on public health advice.

The second phase of Learn at Home features a new set of expectations for the education community, including:
• Reconnecting students with teachers and other school staff, including mental health workers;
• Re-establishing teacher-led learning by grade groupings as follows:
• Kindergarten-Grade 3: five hours of work per student/week (focus on literacy and math)
• Grades 4-6: five hours of work per student/week (focus on literacy, math, science and social studies)
• Grades 7-8: 10 hours of work per student/week (focus on math, literacy, science and social studies)
• Grades 9-12: three hours of work per course per week for semestered students; 1.5 hours of work per course per week for non-semestered students (focus on achieving credits/completion/graduation)

Learn at home website:

It ain't gonna be May...