Public schools in Ontario will remain closed to teachers until Friday, May 1, 2020, and to students until Monday, May 4, 2020. As these dates come closer, this decision will be re-evaluated based on public health advice.
The second phase of Learn at Home features a new set of expectations for the education community, including:
• Reconnecting students with teachers and other school staff, including mental health workers;
• Re-establishing teacher-led learning by grade groupings as follows:
• Kindergarten-Grade 3: five hours of work per student/week (focus on literacy and math)
• Grades 4-6: five hours of work per student/week (focus on literacy, math, science and social studies)
• Grades 7-8: 10 hours of work per student/week (focus on math, literacy, science and social studies)
• Grades 9-12: three hours of work per course per week for semestered students; 1.5 hours of work per course per week for non-semestered students (focus on achieving credits/completion/graduation)
Learn at home website: