Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

For the record, my symptoms in the order I got them were:
  1. Continual headache for a week, from last Monday to this Monday.
  2. Congestion/light and intermittent unproductive cough from last Wednesday to Monday.
  3. Low grade fever <101 starting last Thursday to Monday.
  4. Exhaustion. Slept over 12 hours a day, compared to my normal 6.
  5. Loss of smell and major reduction of taste. Still recovering from that. Ask me about over salting the scrambled eggs!
That's it. Wife had cough and headache, no fever. Kid had intermittent cough, and a highish <103 fever for 2 days.
Well, if thatā€™s what it is then we might have it too. We havenā€™t had a temp but I have had the cough, light congestion, and a intermittent fatigue and headaches. I have just been blaming it all on allergies/sinus issues since pretty much everything started blooming this past week. We have been following the WA Stateā€™s shelter in place order anyhow. If we have passed it to anyone it would be our Kitty as she has been exceptionally sneezy as of late.

Regardless, thanks for the insight and I hope you and yours are feeling better.
One more thing I'll point out is that when China was in quarantine for three months the govt made it illegal for companies to layoff works and required their paychecks to continue to be distributed, for all the bad that China gets talked about,I'd like to highlight one of the good things they did during this pandemic.

This is what we should have done at the beginning of March - A 6 week national shutdown - spend this 2.2 Trillion and all the other bills that are going through on paying the employees. Instead of this hodge-podge / half-ass "stay-at-home" but not really enforced some states are doing, but not others.....LOOKING AT YOU FLORIDA!

Florida now has a 14 day mandatory quarantine for anyone traveling in - soon there will be a mandatory quarantine for anyone leaving Florida.
Well, if thatā€™s what it is then we might have it too. We havenā€™t had a temp but I have had the cough, light congestion, and a intermittent fatigue and headaches. I have just been blaming it all on allergies/sinus issues since pretty much everything started blooming this past week. We have been following the WA Stateā€™s shelter in place order anyhow. If we have passed it to anyone it would be our Kitty as she has been exceptionally sneezy as of late.

Regardless, thanks for the insight and I hope you and yours are feeling better.
I thought it was seasonal allergies as well, but then came the fever and anosmia, which I rarely get. I haven't had a fever in 5-6 years, iirc, so it was notable.

And thanks, hope y'all feel better soon as well. My sense of smell is finally coming back. I could smell my tea this morning!
Well, if thatā€™s what it is then we might have it too. We havenā€™t had a temp but I have had the cough, light congestion, and a intermittent fatigue and headaches. I have just been blaming it all on allergies/sinus issues since pretty much everything started blooming this past week. We have been following the WA Stateā€™s shelter in place order anyhow. If we have passed it to anyone it would be our Kitty as she has been exceptionally sneezy as of late.

Regardless, thanks for the insight and I hope you and yours are feeling better.

Me too. No fever, but an odd tightness when breathing....and a randomly occurring wheeze when exhaling.

Reminds me of when I was sick during my smoking days. I haven't smoked in maybe 5 years or so.
I agree with your sentiment, but I'm not sure I understand why you latched onto that meme. What he said in that moment is objectively stupid. Some view it as stupidly dangerous and some view it as Trump just making a stupid joke (not necessarily bad, just stupid as in a dumb joke). The meme is just making fun of the fact that Fauci touched his face. I don't get how that meme is offensive to Trump/politics.
That's a fair question. I actually didn't "latch on" to that meme. I reported a number of posts that were purely mocking. I just didn't see a point in quoting all but the most recent one at that time.
I'm also not sure how you can say it is purely subjective that the US isn't doing a great job right now.
I didn't say that. I do agree with your statement. Please read what I wrote and don't put words in my mouth. Thank you.
That's a fair question. I actually didn't "latch on" to that meme. I reported a number of posts that were purely mocking. I just didn't see a point in quoting all but the most recent one at that time.

I didn't say that. I do agree with your statement. Please read what I wrote and don't put words in my mouth. Thank you.
Fair enough. Sorry, easy to misunderstand on here. Hope you are doing well and stay safe.

This is one of many ER doctors and nurses who have been fired for speaking out their concerns.

Doctors speaking out to the press about lack of PPE, concerns for safety and raising the alarm that far more people are dying than being reported simply because not everyone is getting a test are finding themselves in trouble with the hospitals they work for.

This is one of many ER doctors and nurses who have been fired for speaking out their concerns.

Doctors speaking out to the press about lack of PPE, concerns for safety and raising the alarm that far more people are dying than being reported simply because not everyone is getting a test are finding themselves in trouble with the hospitals they work for.
Itā€™s possible that he was fired for his social media comments about the hospital. My organization has surprisingly strict policies around posting on social media. Most of it is meant to make sure that HIPPA is not infracted by these posts. Technically, the way the policy is written, Iā€™m not supposed to post which organization I work with, much less talk about policy and practice. Iā€™d say that regardless of policy itā€™s a bad look.

Incidentally, my organization announced to all staff that they wanted us to use a hashtag on posts thanking our coworkers and healthcare workers everywhere for their service currently. I found this extremely humorous.

This is one of many ER doctors and nurses who have been fired for speaking out their concerns.

Doctors speaking out to the press about lack of PPE, concerns for safety and raising the alarm that far more people are dying than being reported simply because not everyone is getting a test are finding themselves in trouble with the hospitals they work for.

Hey, we'll take the extra doctors if they don't want them.