Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Would the Admin/Mod group who are all (or overwhelmingly) radically-left politically feel the same way if the attacks were on Democrats? That's a rhetorical question
Please don't fucking categorize me, or anyone on the team, as any one political party because we 1) defend the right to free speech and 2) defend the criticism of a moronic elected official.
Please don't fucking categorize me, or anyone on the team, as any one political party because we 1) defend the right to free speech and 2) defend the criticism of a moronic elected official.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Dude, the biases here are well known and documented over the history of this and the last place. Pretending otherwise is a ridiculous look.
"No disrespect" doesn't make what you wrote un-disrespectful. Be cool.

If moderators are going to be allowed to make posts solely to mock political figures in this thread, instead of in the actual anti-Trump political thread that exists for this purpose, then all bets are off as far as behavior in this thread, correct? Just making sure before I go further. I've reported this post but nothing happened as all of the mods are of the same political persuasion. Please delete stuff like this or move it to the political thread where it belongs. This post by @nolalady had no purpose except to be mocking.

Whether or not you like Trump, he is the President.

Whether or not you support him , his decisions affect everyone.

I listen to his “rah rah” session daily.

Remove politics from it. Look at at a few decisions/announcements neutrally:

He compares this to traffic accidents and the flu.

He was going to cancel his visit to the CDC, due to them being busy. Good move. Then he changed his mind. What?

He seems to punish any state who has a governor that disagrees with him.

Dr Fauci seems to be on the way out. This is quite unfortunate, as he seems to be a most trustworthy source. He also isn’t delivering the message that Trump wants to project or hear.

Opening up some of the country? By Easter? Sounds nice. So do Unicorns and Leprechauns. When is the country open? When Disney says it is. They never close. They are closed indefinitely.

He also fails to address difficult decisions:

All domestic fights need to stop. Now.

A national lockdown. I support it. Will some be hurt unnecessarily? Yes. And it’s unfortunate. But it needs to be done to stop the spread.

A national ban on evictions, as well as a ban on disconnecting utilities/water.

These aren’t political issues. These are humanitarian issues.
Whether or not you like Trump, he is the President.

Whether or not you support him , his decisions affect everyone.

I listen to his “rah rah” session daily.

Remove politics from it. Look at at a few decisions/announcements neutrally:

He compares this to traffic accidents and the flu.

He was going to cancel his visit to the CDC, due to them being busy. Good move. Then he changed his mind. What?

He seems to punish any state who has a governor that disagrees with him.

Dr Fauci seems to be on the way out. This is quite unfortunate, as he seems to be a most trustworthy source. He also isn’t delivering the message that Trump wants to project or hear.

Opening up some of the country? By Easter? Sounds nice. So do Unicorns and Leprechauns. When is the country open? When Disney says it is. They never close. They are closed indefinitely.

He also fails to address difficult decisions:

All domestic fights need to stop. Now.

A national lockdown. I support it. Will some be hurt unnecessarily? Yes. And it’s unfortunate. But it needs to be done to stop the spread.

A national ban on evictions, as well as a ban on disconnecting utilities/water.

These aren’t political issues. These are humanitarian issues.
I support this message. The actions/non-actions and the words of the president (both truth and lies) are relevant to this topic.
Whether or not you like Trump, he is the President.

Whether or not you support him , his decisions affect everyone.

I listen to his “rah rah” session daily.

Remove politics from it. Look at at a few decisions/announcements neutrally:

He compares this to traffic accidents and the flu.

He was going to cancel his visit to the CDC, due to them being busy. Good move. Then he changed his mind. What?

He seems to punish any state who has a governor that disagrees with him.

Dr Fauci seems to be on the way out. This is quite unfortunate, as he seems to be a most trustworthy source. He also isn’t delivering the message that Trump wants to project or hear.

Opening up some of the country? By Easter? Sounds nice. So do Unicorns and Leprechauns. When is the country open? When Disney says it is. They never close. They are closed indefinitely.

He also fails to address difficult decisions:

All domestic fights need to stop. Now.

A national lockdown. I support it. Will some be hurt unnecessarily? Yes. And it’s unfortunate. But it needs to be done to stop the spread.

A national ban on evictions, as well as a ban on disconnecting utilities/water.

These aren’t political issues. These are humanitarian issues.
Well said 👏
Nebraska's Governor had to state during a press conference yesterday that the coronavirus is not a hoax.

In an interview with Tapper he said many constitutes still believe that this is a hoax after President Trump called it such back in February and even yesterday he was still receiving questions from people asking about if the virus was a hoax or not. He had to make it clear that the virus itself is not a hoax a should be taken seriously.
Equating my reaction to a specific gender is a ridiculous look.


So the best you can respond with is to attempt to twist my use of a quote from ‘Hamlet’ as me making a dig at you by slighting women?

You’re kidding, right? Please tell me you’re kidding. You know what, I will choose to believe you are kidding.

My previous point still stands. The biases here are well documented and pretty self evident after about 5 minutes. There is no reason to get huffy and pretend otherwise.