Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Working from home this week, and maybe next. My boss called Saturday and said because my wife is frontlines, they'd prefer I stay home. Makes sense, my wife and all staff at her hospital were told that they should assume they've been exposed. So, I guess I am to assume that too.

How are other SOs of medical workers dealing with this? Are you staying away from your loved one? Seems nearly impossible to constantly disinfect everything we both touch, and we're still occupying the same rooms, etc.
How is your son??
How is your son??

He's feeling good and had no symptoms for a couple weeks, thanks for asking. Unfortunately his grandma on his mom's side passed away from a fall down the stairs. Freak accident, she was 70. His story from the ER is horrifying. She was on a ventilator and the prognosis wasn't great so, they were trying to get her off of it to use elsewhere before her son even showed up. I realize the hospitals are under extreme pressure right now, especially with use and availabilty of vents, but this was so awful to hear. They asked nearly every 10 minutes "is all the family here yet?"

Life is so weird right now, it's like there's no room for other tragedies.

Wait...same boss that has spent the last month telling you this is an overblown non-issue?


Yep. I think someone else influenced him to call me. Nobody else in the company is working from home, we're pretty close to fully staffed in the shop, office and field with only a couple employees opting to stay away and taking the layoff. I have to consider this quite a favor from them, my job is only like 30 to 50% doable remotely, but they are paying me full wage for now.
He's feeling good and had no symptoms for a couple weeks, thanks for asking. Unfortunately his grandma on his mom's side passed away from a fall down the stairs. Freak accident, she was 70. His story from the ER is horrifying. She was on a ventilator and the prognosis wasn't great so, they were trying to get her off of it to use elsewhere before her son even showed up. I realize the hospitals are under extreme pressure right now, especially with use and availabilty of vents, but this was so awful to hear. They asked nearly every 10 minutes "is all the family here yet?"

Life is so weird right now, it's like there's no room for other tragedies.

Yep. I think someone else influenced him to call me. Nobody else in the company is working from home, we're pretty close to fully staffed in the shop, office and field with only a couple employees opting to stay away and taking the layoff. I have to consider this quite a favor from them, my job is only like 30 to 50% doable remotely, but they are paying me full wage for now.
I'm glad your son is doing well. Ugh, that hospital situation sounds horrible. I can not imagine what our health care industry is going through right now. Those are choices/conversations/situations we should not have to have. :(

Stay at home as long as they allow it! That's awesome they are paying you.
Would the Admin/Mod group who are all (or overwhelmingly) radically-left politically feel the same way if the attacks were on Democrats? That's a rhetorical question.

You are opening the floodgates to hatred, such as:

That is the opposite of a fact, that is an opinion. I know you're stressed and you have good reasons to be stressed. We all do. The trick is to avoid taking it out on others if you can do so. Adding to another person's stress is not the reason this forum exists - or at least that shouldn't be the reason. We're here because we love music, and despite any other differences we have, music is the thing that brings us together.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Dude, the biases here are well known and documented over the history of this and the last place. Pretending otherwise is a ridiculous look.
Since I was the one called out, I'll be the one to say that I will continue to call out stupid calls made by government officials regarding COVID-19 and this includes memes. @High Rant District you might be surprised to note that our political leanings aren't all that different, and yes, if this were a Democratic pres that was making the same calls as Trump, I would be posting the same extremely critical memes too. So there's your answer to the rhetorical question. And I will always be critical of fed response, not because of who is in the office, but because being from the South, I know what it's like to get overlooked and ignored.

Louisiana is now the epicenter. This article is a few days old. Our death count is up to 151 now.
The numbers already indicate that Louisiana is a global epicenter of the pandemic. Just over 1 percent of the U.S. population lives in Louisiana. But according to the COVID Tracking Project, 7 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, 7 percent of all hospitalizations, and 3 percent of all positive tests have been in the state. New York has suffered about two deaths per 100,000 residents. Louisiana is at 1.8.

To put the numbers into perspective, if Louisiana were a country, its death count would put it in the top 15 globally. The burden appears to be increasing so quickly that all of these statistics will quickly become out of date. The state reported 83 total deaths from COVID-19 as of noon yesterday. It had reported 34 as of Monday. And, as is the nature of this virus, most of the reported data represent only a snapshot of the infections that took place a week or two ago. Hospitalizations and deaths will increase. And, if other outbreaks around the world are any example, the curve will not rise gently. The fallout in Louisiana will be most painful in the New Orleans metropolitan area, whose Orleans and Jefferson Parishes account for two-thirds of all cases in the state."

Working from home this week, and maybe next. My boss called Saturday and said because my wife is frontlines, they'd prefer I stay home. Makes sense, my wife and all staff at her hospital were told that they should assume they've been exposed. So, I guess I am to assume that too.

How are other SOs of medical workers dealing with this? Are you staying away from your loved one? Seems nearly impossible to constantly disinfect everything we both touch, and we're still occupying the same rooms, etc.
My wife and I have had lots of conversations about the fact that we are probably gonna get this and what it means. We haven’t changed anything. We have had to tell my local family that the house is off limits in their interest.
My grandmother turned 89 last week. She lives in a senior/assisted living community, but in the last weeks they've identified signs of rapidly deteriorating dementia (including wandering out of her apartment and not knowing where she is when she's found). They have proposed that it's time to move her into their memory care facility where she can receive more consistent care, and they told my parents they think it's fairly urgent to ensure her safety.

That is a tough, emotional transition in the best of times. Throw this into the mix: 2 staff members who work in the memory care facility are currently self-quarantining due to COVID-19 exposure. None of the residents are symptomatic, but no testing is available to them right now, and we've all heard at this point what happens once this disease is present among a senior population. My parents aren't sure what to do. Leaving her where she is and moving her (into a place where visitor access will be more heavily restricted, I might add) both feel like putting her in imminent danger.
Really sorry for you all in this. We just went through the same thing, Dad went into memory care about 3 weeks ago. Now my Mom can't visit him at all. Phone calls are pretty worthless. And as you said, the biggest worry is COVID running through the home. He's in VA care, and one of the other places he could have went has had multiple cases and deaths. And unfortunately for us, there's really nothing else we can do now. I'm actually glad they've locked down, but my Mom is having a rough time worrying about him.

I hope for the best for your family.
Since I was the one called out, I'll be the one to say that I will continue to call out stupid calls made by government officials regarding COVID-19 and this includes memes. @High Rant District you might be surprised to note that our political leanings aren't all that different, and yes, if this were a Democratic pres that was making the same calls as Trump, I would be posting the same extremely critical memes too. So there's your answer to the rhetorical question. And I will always be critical of fed response, not because of who is in the office, but because being from the South, I know what it's like to get overlooked and ignored.

Louisiana is now the epicenter. This article is a few days old. Our death count is up to 151 now.
The numbers already indicate that Louisiana is a global epicenter of the pandemic. Just over 1 percent of the U.S. population lives in Louisiana. But according to the COVID Tracking Project, 7 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, 7 percent of all hospitalizations, and 3 percent of all positive tests have been in the state. New York has suffered about two deaths per 100,000 residents. Louisiana is at 1.8.

To put the numbers into perspective, if Louisiana were a country, its death count would put it in the top 15 globally. The burden appears to be increasing so quickly that all of these statistics will quickly become out of date. The state reported 83 total deaths from COVID-19 as of noon yesterday. It had reported 34 as of Monday. And, as is the nature of this virus, most of the reported data represent only a snapshot of the infections that took place a week or two ago. Hospitalizations and deaths will increase. And, if other outbreaks around the world are any example, the curve will not rise gently. The fallout in Louisiana will be most painful in the New Orleans metropolitan area, whose Orleans and Jefferson Parishes account for two-thirds of all cases in the state."

For the record I’d like to state that I had no issue with the original post. That wasn’t what I taking making note of at all. (In fact I owe you a thanks. I totally stole that meme and posted it over at my gun board. It was a hit there as well.) I was simply giving the Col.’s response the ridicule it deserved.

When I speak of the biases here being known, I am referring to a general tone and POV as expressed by the membership and administration here. Your views may be similar to HRD in general principle, but being the exception to the rule is exactly that, the exception. For The Col to get in a huff the way he did and take the stance he did was silly. It doesn’t take 5 minutes here to determine what the general political tilt around these parts is, and that’s ok. Considering the affluent, urban nature of the hobby, being surprised by that is like being surprised that the dude from central AL decked out in head to toe Crimson Tide gear yells out “Roll Tide” at inappropriate moments. So it also shouldn’t be a surprise when someone else calls that bias out either.

*Edited to add clarity*
Thanks. Some of the worries are a little irrational; nobody is sick, and they appear to be taking the proper precautions for now. It's probably more important to get her the care she needs to make sure she isn't a harm to herself or others. I just know that if the worst happens, my dad will feel personally responsible.

Sorry to hear about your dad, too. Having to live apart from your mom must be incredibly difficult, but not even being able to visit feels like such a terrible punishment in addition. Above all, the fear that our loved ones may have to suffer through this alone is really gut-wrenching. I've read a few stories now about people--of all ages--going to the hospital for treatment and then never seeing their families again, and tbh it's too heartbreaking to even consider as a real-life possibility.
Luckily my Mom does live in the area, but my Dad is actually closer to me now. And neither of us can go see him now. I know he's being taken care of, but for my Mom nobody will take as good of care as she did. He was at home way too long, she just couldn't do it anymore. He kept falling down and hurting himself. But now in the memory care facility he's actually one of the ones with better health...comparatively. But yes, my Mom feels the same way. That's she's responsible and she feels guilty. They have been married 50 years. She's lost and lonely without him, and I can't even go see her with this damn COVID. And then I'm worried about her too, she's dealing with cancer that has come/gone/come again.

This level is, well not sure the best word, but depressing. Seeing his mind go like this, and seeing the next steps through other residents is tough. I'm spending time looking for ways to keep my mind sharp hoping this isn't something that comes my way. Such a tough disease to watch, Dad was a pretty smart guy.

I really hope the second half of this year is better, cause this has been for shit so far.
The Craft Beer industry is taking a huge hit from COVID-19.

While a brewery, at least here in MA is classified as an essential business. They have all furloughed their workers and shut down production.

For the Craft Beer industry, around 2/3 or more of their business is with restaurants / bars rather.

With bars and restaurants closed no orders are coming in and it's not ideal to to keep brewing and stock piling beer. Especially those beers that have a shorter shelf life.

These shut downs means we will not likely see summer seasonal beers and if we do they will will be later than normal.

Many small Craft Breweries are struggling financially as well. It is not clear if all will be able to recover from this and reopen once all is said and done.