Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

I’m not surprised. Some countries and jurisdictions only report deaths in hospitals and only if there is a diagnosis and the death certificate states COVID as the cause. We’re not talking about China here. Some states and European countries don’t court retirement home deaths.

Let me find some citations.


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A couple pre-prints showing vaccination successes in animals (in macaques and mice):

EDIT: The take-home message here is not that these vaccines would necessarily be used in humans. Using an inactivated vaccine poses a certain risk, for one, and would not be the first choice. The point is more that vaccination is possible for SARS-CoV-2 - that an immune response can be induced in animals and that this immune response can protect from SARS-CoV-2 infection at a later point in at least two different animal models. This is pretty good news. The caveat being that the pre-prints are not yet peer-reviewed.
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Well my employer send out a mass email to all employees this morning, and as expected we will continue to operate critical services and work from home at least until May 29, 2020. Not sure how I feel about it but it is what it is.
Colorado's Governor is allowing the stay at home orders to expire today, April 26 and will not be extending the stay at home orders.

Colorado has not seen 14 days of decline yet.

Balancing the advice of the scientific experts and the needs of the economy, Colorado's Governor feels that the best move for the state of Colorado is to let the stay at home orders expire so people can get back to work. He feels we have reached the point where the number of people out of work and struggling to provide for their family is worse than the virus. With his order, unlike Georgia, he is allowing local communities to have their own stay at home policies where they feel it is best to remain closed a little bit longer. Denver so far is the only community to take advantage of this extending the stay at home order until May 8th.
Neighbor down the street had not one, but two parties/picnics in his front yard Sunday (afternoon & evening). Roughly 20-30 people each time (adults + kids)? Shameful...
The governor of Indiana has indicated that he currently has no plans to extend our stay at home order past its current expiration of May 1 (despite seeing our state's highest daily totals of new cases yet on back to back days over the weekend), but even if cases are on the decline, which they aren't, I don't see how this works. Schools have already been closed for the remainder of the school year, statewide. That effectively means the stay at home order is in place at least until the normal end of the school year. If everyone goes back to work, there aren't enough child care resources in the state to make up for the shortfall from schools. The state government is putting parents in a no-win situation where you can't send your kids anywhere, but you also can't decline to go back to work, but you also can't leave your kids at home alone all day. This is not tenable. Return to work and availability of childcare have to be aligned somehow in order to not put parents in an impossible position.
Bring your kids to work is the only appropriate civil disobedience.
Drive by a Lowe's or a Home Depot any day of the week and it would seem like the stay at home orders are pointless as long as these guys are open.
OMG, we wanted to get some stuff at Lowe's yesterday and it was a zoo. Didn't even bother parking; turned straight around and went home. It was my first time driving the car in over a month (wife has been designated shopper).
I’ve been Lowe’s a few times during the shutdown. I wanted to stop at Home Depot on the way home from Costco on Saturday to get a trellis for a climbing plant I bought my wife, but their store is set up asinine and there was a very long line to get in. Nope.
I've been to the home improvement stores a few times since lockdown. My experience is though they are busy they are big enough to move around in with ample social distance. I did checkout through the outdoor registers every time where not only is there is plenty of ventilation but people seemed more aware of distancing.
I've been to the home improvement stores a few times since lockdown. My experience is though they are busy they are big enough to move around in with ample social distance. I did checkout through the outdoor registers every time where not only is there is plenty of ventilation but people seemed more aware of distancing.
I’ve not been to the Home Depot, but Lowe’s has been very good at managing people in the store and marking the floor for distancing at the register. I was surprised at Costco on Saturday that there seemed to be more people allowed in at one time. My wife says (and I suspect she is right) that people complained about the line length. However, I enjoyed the month or so where my bi-weekly visit were my most enjoyable experiences at costco. Saturday was very similar to my overall experiences which are not pleasant.

What I hate about this, is some people are going to read this headline, or hear someone talk about it and think "SEE That's why we need to open businesses back up! We're running out of food!" Not realizing the reasons these plants are closing is because they have been open this entire time and it was inevitable for the virus to spread through their employees.

As an "essential" in a data center (No one cares about us keeping your cat videos flowing or your email accessible until they don't and it's not) We've been doing fairly well about keeping team separate, following social distancing, keeping sanitizer and lysol wipes on hand. But the longer this goes the more likely it is one of us will catch it and spread it to the rest of us. People are getting regular sick, which means people need to shift and come in contact with new groups. Projects get reprioritized which means a thing you had to do in this building is now a different thing you have to do in a different building. We already know our supply chain where we get our parts from has been compromised multiple times. Who knows how many parts I've handled that have been in contact with someone infected. Then there are those who are taking this seriously, and others who aren't at all. Our security and logistics forces need to be constantly reminded and they come in contact with everyone. I'm just waiting to get sick.