You weren't kidding. I've been on the look for distilled water for almost a week now but no luck so far. My only hope is my pharmacist who might get a 5 liter tank for me soon so I am waiting for her call, All this for water

. I received my unit today, and all I can do is contemplate it.
I haven't even had time to focus on the filters yet because of the unavailability of water. I assume you are referring to
this and
that? So, this is for both water and air if I understand correctly? Should I also look for something special for the damp cloths for cleaning the water basin?
Thank you for the tip, I will see which one is the easiest to find in Europe.
Well, thanks for taking away the anxiety I had reading this guy's whole thread
As I was telling Mike, my pharmacist might get a 5 liter tank for me soon. How many tanks would you and
@MikeH recommend I ask her for? I haven't quite figured out how long the water has to be changed or reused but I have a collection of 300~400 records FYI.
I really appreciate you sharing your cleaning routine; it's actually what I'm looking for most before getting started. I won't lie, no matter how carefully I read the manual several times, I always feel overwhelmed at the moment, especially with the maintenance tasks.
I wish the manual was written with more passion and recommendations like the Vinyl Flat's for instance.
Would love to read more cleaning and maintenance routines from the other OGs of this thread (like
@Joe Mac seeing your
achievement with the HG). Btw,
@Russ I, is there anything in your DIY system that has changed since
January, please?
did any of you deal with off-center labels on records using the HG? I have a few ones with this problem so I'm curious how you managed to keep the labels dry while making sure to always clean the records with enough water? Finally, I was wondering if there is any improvement with non-fill records after cleaning or does it sound even worse since the playback is quieter after cleaning?