New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

So-- I took like a year hiatus from spinning records after my tonearm got knocked into at a pregame for a concert. Everything is back up and running after a move-- however, while packing for the move, I realized I had left water in the Guru container for that entire timeframe. Maybe been in there as long year and a half because the concert was in the summer of 23'. Obviously not ideal considering it tells you to remove the water every time... and crazy it hadn't all evaporated.

I presume the danger is mold in the filter? That's easy enough to swap out. Do you all think I need to take any other precautions before using it again?
So-- I took like a year hiatus from spinning records after my tonearm got knocked into at a pregame for a concert. Everything is back up and running after a move-- however, while packing for the move, I realized I had left water in the Guru container for that entire timeframe. Maybe been in there as long year and a half because the concert was in the summer of 23'. Obviously not ideal considering it tells you to remove the water every time... and crazy it hadn't all evaporated.

I presume the danger is mold in the filter? That's easy enough to swap out. Do you all think I need to take any other precautions before using it again?
Check what they say about cleaning it but I would use dish soap and water on the water basin. And then use about 100 to 200 ml of 10% vinegar in the basin with water and run that through several times then replace the filter. That's what you do with the Degritter.
Check what they say about cleaning it but I would use dish soap and water on the water basin. And then use about 100 to 200 ml of 10% vinegar in the basin with water and run that through several times then replace the filter. That's what you do with the Degritter.

Thank you sir. You're always reliable for good info. I sifted through their FAQs and didn't see anything about cleaning the Guru itself.
Man, I'm on a roll of braindead behavior. Just realized my water basin filter is gone. Likely lost during the move?

Hopefully Humming Guru has a replacement part available, and it isn't harmful to be running washes without one (I wouldn't think so). Because I def went through 2 batches of cleaning before noticing. I've reached out to customer support.

For the record, this is what they had to say about cleaning the Guru:

"Thank you for your email. Please don't use vinegar to wash it. Please use distilled or purified water to wash the machine.
We have several recommendations for the use of the water tank:

1)Avoid leaving water with cleaning agent in the tank after each cleaning session.
2)Ensure the filter slot is installed correctly.
3)Avoid applying force or squeezing the water tank.
4)Keep the machine in an environment with a stable temperature to prevent rapid fluctuations."
Man, I'm on a roll of braindead behavior. Just realized my water basin filter is gone. Likely lost during the move?

Hopefully Humming Guru has a replacement part available, and it isn't harmful to be running washes without one (I wouldn't think so). Because I def went through 2 batches of cleaning before noticing. I've reached out to customer support.

For the record, this is what they had to say about cleaning the Guru:

"Thank you for your email. Please don't use vinegar to wash it. Please use distilled or purified water to wash the machine.
We have several recommendations for the use of the water tank:

1)Avoid leaving water with cleaning agent in the tank after each cleaning session.
2)Ensure the filter slot is installed correctly.
3)Avoid applying force or squeezing the water tank.
4)Keep the machine in an environment with a stable temperature to prevent rapid fluctuations."
I believe the filter is just a simple fish tank filter that you can get at most pet supply places. Although others here would know more. Interesting they don't want you to use vinegar as thats literally exactly what Degritter suggests using and distilled water isn't going to get rid of mold internally etc... Perhaps something internal with the Guru doesn't like vinegar, but yeah never hurts to ask.
I believe the filter is just a simple fish tank filter that you can get at most pet supply places. Although others here would know more. Interesting they don't want you to use vinegar as thats literally exactly what Degritter suggests using. Perhaps something internal with the Guru doesn't like vinegar, but yeah never hurts to ask.

Well, my dumb ass used it anyways because they took like 4 days to respond and I was itching to clean after getting my table set up for the first time in months.

The plastic water basin filter that you unhook from the bottom of the well likely isn't fish tank related. The filters that go into the water "trap" at the bottom are fish tank filters though. I have a bunch of it that I ordered off Amazon years ago.
Well, my dumb ass used it anyways because they took like 4 days to respond and I was itching to clean after getting my table set up for the first time in months.

The plastic water basin filter that you unhook from the bottom of the well likely isn't fish tank related. The filters that go into the water "trap" at the bottom are fish tank filters though. I have a bunch of it that I ordered off Amazon though.
The one at the bottom is to catch larger debris so it doesn’t potentially get stuck in the tubing.
Well, my dumb ass used it anyways because they took like 4 days to respond and I was itching to clean after getting my table set up for the first time in months.
I highly doubt it will cause any issues, if its diluted it'll be fine and will probably clean the machine better than whatever method they're suggesting. Certainly better than using just distilled water.
I highly doubt it will cause any issues, if its diluted it'll be fine and will probably clean the machine better than whatever method they're suggesting. Certainly better than using just distilled water.

Yeah that was my headspace. Works well for my coffee machine.

More concerned about the fact that I washed probably 20 records before noticing the basin filter was gone... and what they might charge for a replacement since the shop only seems to have the wheels.
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Yeah that was my heads pace. Works well for my coffee machine.

More concerned about the fact that I washed probably 20 records before noticing the basin filter was gone... and what they might charge for a replacement since the shop only seems to have the wheels.

They’re generally quite cheap for parts outside of warrantee but the shipping can be mildly steep and is pretty slow. I had to buy a new motor/gearbox thing off them.
Do any of you have a method for getting the record out of the cleaner fingerprint free? My method of pinching the corners to pull out the record will eventually end in disaster I feel.
I use a Japanese designed Furutech Vinyl Grabber Plus which cost $6000 and uses a series of pneumatic micro pistons to control a series of robotic arms with the approximate precision of the machinery used for open heart surgery to lightly grab the vinyl and place it directly into the sleeve with no human conta-no I'm kidding I use my hands like @Angsty
Will try the two hand method. I like one hand because I have the inner sleeve in the other hand and can get it in one clean movement. But like I said, it’s a dangerous game.
I use two hands against the record at 9 and 3, then once it's out safely I move to one hand (thumb on the edge, middle fingers on the label) to transfer into a sleeve.