No Buy Vinyl Support Thread

I got rid of about 500 this year, and plan to get under 1000 in the next year or so. I feel like this thing goes in waves though. You have to be in the mood. For me its all the time vs money consideration so now I just take everything to the record store. I have about 100 record boxes left so I should sell so I can get rid of those as well.

I need to get over my "music fan guilt" that I have to buy every release that I like. I can't support the whole world and the beams in my house can't support all of the vinyl hahaha.
I got rid of about 500 this year, and plan to get under 1000 in the next year or so. I feel like this thing goes in waves though. You have to be in the mood. For me its all the time vs money consideration so now I just take everything to the record store. I have about 100 record boxes left so I should sell so I can get rid of those as well.

I need to get over my "music fan guilt" that I have to buy every release that I like. I can't support the whole world and the beams in my house can't support all of the vinyl hahaha.
I’m planning on tracking every penny I spend this year, just to keep it in check. I spent waaaay less in 2023 and waited until the Black Friday sales to make some bigger purchases.

If others are interested, I’m thinking of using a thread (or this thread) to keep a tally of what comes in/how much I spent. Might be good to do with others if there is interest.
I’m planning on tracking every penny I spend this year, just to keep it in check. I spent waaaay less in 2023 and waited until the Black Friday sales to make some bigger purchases.

If others are interested, I’m thinking of using a thread (or this thread) to keep a tally of what comes in/how much I spent. Might be good to do with others if there is interest.

Good idea- I’m going to post any purchases from 01/01/24 and do a running total
I... Don't think I want to know. Long live denial!!!

Although this would be good for me to do too.
I’m planning on tracking every penny I spend this year, just to keep it in check. I spent waaaay less in 2023 and waited until the Black Friday sales to make some bigger purchases.

If others are interested, I’m thinking of using a thread (or this thread) to keep a tally of what comes in/how much I spent. Might be good to do with others if there is interest.

Good idea- I’m going to post any purchases from 01/01/24 and do a running total

I... Don't think I want to know. Long live denial!!!

Although this would be good for me to do too.
There is this thread which can assist:
I think I'm going to make quarterly goals so that I have some flexibility in this process.

Q1 (Jan-Mar) I'm going to try not to spend any actual cash on records, but am going to allow myself to spend existing trade-in credit (or future trade-in credit) at a local shop and Amazon gift cards I get through a service at work. This will give me something like $100 to work if I want to buy records so it's not so much quitting cold turkey.

It's not so much that I think there's a record-buying problem, I just want to get some other finances out of the way and I think through Q1 having this in place will keep me pretty solid on that front.
I'm going to try for a mostly no-buy Q1 this year, but I'll take it month by month to see how it goes.

I'm allowing for myself are to keep my 2 add-on tracks with VMP, so that will prevent me from having a fully clean no-buy time. The two other exceptions I'm allowing for myself are the usual Sun Ra clause, and when/if my semi-local finally gets physical copies of last year's Chief Adjuah album, since those are only just now finally making their way into the world and getting it from them (so long as they get any) will be significantly cheaper than pre-ordering on Bandcamp would have been.

I have a hefty backlog and a bunch of Boxing Day sale and preorders due in the coming weeks, so I'm certainly not going to be going without by not buying more!
I am going to see how long I can go into this new year without even a pre-order. I am about to do a major organizational overhaul which starts with painting, then flooring, then it'll be months before it's completed. As of now I have dozens of records that don't fit in my current storage set-up so I just don't want to add to that clutter.

Once I'm ready to load the shelves, I'll be taking a hard look at my collection and weeding out stuff I don't listen to. The PIF thread will see some action!
Besides my VMP sub and an add-on track I’m going to try and not buy anything this month. I also have a few pre-orders from last year that will be trickling in.

I moved recently and ended up selling quite a few records, and I still am out of space. If I buy more records I’ll have to sell more and/or buy additional storage space. I really don’t want to do the latter.

I started collecting in 2019 and have gone pretty wild with it. 2024 is the year I need to slow way down, and enjoy what I have.