No Buy Vinyl Support Thread

Going for a strict no-buy Q1 for this year; no exceptions. I only have four pending items from last year; a PIF that should arrive this morning, a prize from the monthly vinyl challenge in November, a BandCamp pledge that ships around March, and a backordered item from DeepDiscount.

Storage space is at the brink, and I have vowed in the past to not expand. Still holds true today. I am sitting at a library of just under 750 LPs at the time of this post. I would like to drop to under 600 this year. Purchases will be focused on labels and genres, not necessarily favorites of the year. Looking to remove some genres entirely from library, opting for CDs for those if desired.

Planning to not be sucked into any or Crateism equivalent with "warehouse sales" this year. No record subscriptions either.

Now that the new year has turned, I'll be listing items back up on Discogs. Wish there was a better option to offload. Proceeds from these sales will be redirected into acquiring a second PLX-1000 and a mixer. I have found that my few experiences DJing last year were among my favorite moments related to the hobby and I'd like this to be a primary emphasis moving forward. There is something fulfilling about working with what you have to create a 30min to 2hr set of music with a coherent theme or sense of progression to an audience.
Going for a strict no-buy Q1 for this year; no exceptions. I only have four pending items from last year; a PIF that should arrive this morning, a prize from the monthly vinyl challenge in November, a BandCamp pledge that ships around March, and a backordered item from DeepDiscount.

Storage space is at the brink, and I have vowed in the past to not expand. Still holds true today. I am sitting at a library of just under 750 LPs at the time of this post. I would like to drop to under 600 this year. Purchases will be focused on labels and genres, not necessarily favorites of the year. Looking to remove some genres entirely from library, opting for CDs for those if desired.

Planning to not be sucked into any or Crateism equivalent with "warehouse sales" this year. No record subscriptions either.

Now that the new year has turned, I'll be listing items back up on Discogs. Wish there was a better option to offload. Proceeds from these sales will be redirected into acquiring a second PLX-1000 and a mixer. I have found that my few experiences DJing last year were among my favorite moments related to the hobby and I'd like this to be a primary emphasis moving forward. There is something fulfilling about working with what you have to create a 30min to 2hr set of music with a coherent theme or sense of progression to an audience.
This is the first year since 2015 that I will have no vinyl subscriptions. Going to focus on the records we have and putting more money towards going to concerts. Thus far, Chelsea Wolfe and Haley Hendrix are lined up for March. I am also trying to avoid getting sucked into buying records just because they are cheap.
I actually am on my first ever vinyl sub right now (first order is coming tomorrow I think), but I've been on the waitlist for this for years. It's a coffee/vinyl sub from a local roaster so I'm kind of breaking my no-buy rule in that respect, but I'm not waiting another four years or whatever it was.
Haven't done a vinyl sub in a while and haven't been enticed into joining one - if VMP had less issues, I would be tempted. But I need to cut back on impulse buys this year.
This is the first year since 2015 that I will have no vinyl subscriptions. Going to focus on the records we have and putting more money towards going to concerts. Thus far, Chelsea Wolfe and Haley Hendrix are lined up for March. I am also trying to avoid getting sucked into buying records just because they are cheap.

@Dirtbag Auntie
I spent a few days at my folks' place up-island last week and almost found myself heading the local record store up there because it had been so long since I'd browsed their shop, but I knew my resolve would break if I did so I managed to stay away.

Fortunately I've had some Boxing Day sale and delayed PIFsgiving stuff trickling in to help hit those dopamine receptors!
I've been doing my best to only buy from my local, stick with the best priced version, I really don't care about fancy colours, and try not to succumb to FOMO!

That being said I have 3 preorders this quarter with only one being a for sure, my local is cool with holding things for me and letting me pass if I want to once the record comes in!

I'm doing my best to only buy things I'll enjoy listening to over and over, I have too many records just sitting on my shelf that I thought I wanted or needed and really never listen to. Once life sort of settles down here I think it's time to unload some of those records collecting dust and start enjoying the other ones!
I broke my no buy yesterday already. Someone got me a record as a gift and I wanted to return the favor but the seller had flat shipping and I couldn't resist picking up something else. I need some ppl to shame me...