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I actually own a CD of Silver Side Up. Because it was 2001 and I watched Much Music rather than MTV as a teenager, and so I fell for Canadian music propaganda. And sure Nickelback has become a meme in music forums but you gotta hand it to them for cornering the market of grunge ballads. At least they kept on brand.
I actually own a CD of Silver Side Up. Because it was 2001 and I watched Much Music rather than MTV as a teenager, and so I fell for Canadian music propaganda. And sure Nickelback has become a meme in music forums but you gotta hand it to them for cornering the market of grunge ballads. At least they kept on brand.
I was in a Starbucks in Vancouver. At the table beside me was Nickelback's lawyer firing one of their drummers. He kept calling Chad, Chode Kroeger. All around it was a fun afternoon
I was in a Starbucks in Vancouver. At the table beside me was Nickelback's lawyer firing one of their drummers. He kept calling Chad, Chode Kroeger. All around it was a fun afternoon
Having watched one of the Halloween episodes of Bob's Burgers last night, I definitely think they should have Gene dress as Chode Kroeger this year.