Online Vinyl Deals

Trying not to go wild here.. but did get a few things i've been putting off

I have a bunch of other stuff in my cart but I dont think I need them so trying to hold off
Trying not to go wild here.. but did get a few things i've been putting off

I have a bunch of other stuff in my cart but I dont think I need them so trying to hold off
I'm keeping my fingers crossed this Pallas Daft Punk is the item that shows up.

It's a weird one for me- I preorder Fashion Nugget and got Bardo Pond's first album on purple vinyl but ....nothing else is making me smash the cancel trick like sales past. A couple of Dead or Ramones boxes im halfway mulling getting fro around $55, but im ambivalent.

Is this it? Am I approaching the vinyl endgame?
CDs are in the sale too 😉

For the Target sales, I usually just look for box sets I didn’t wanna pay close to full price on. The staples singers box ended up being $65 or something for 7 AAA LPs. One of them is being broken out next month for $25 so I figured it’s fiscally irresponsible to NOT get the box set…right?
Only grabbed a couple things using the cancel route, have most of what I need as far as BNC and Tone Poets unless they add any preorders this week (I'm looking at you, Lou Donaldson).

Next choice is to pull the trigger on the Coleman boxset or not for around $140...
The Ornette box set is excellent if that helps…
Speaking of box sets.
This one sold out today.
I'm kind of kicking myself for taking it out of the cart 🙃

Click “notify me when back in stock”. Last time they added more of certain items late in the sale.