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"Hey, look! About a dozen people are attacking a new person on the thread. Since I have no testicles at all, I think it's safe for me to pile on."

Still waiting for a single one of you idiots, to actually NOT be an NPC and actually think for yourself. As I said before, read the thread and get back to me.

If you don't want people fucking with you, don't fuck with them...regardless of how safe your "curated safe space" seems to you.

There's this thing call "integrity." You all should try exploring that concept. LOL!
Hey man don't you have to clean your room or whatever Jordan Peterson is saying these days?
Yeah, @Mather this is weak sauce. You're barely top five.
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In my defense it would be way easier if I just went around parroting dumb internet buzzwords and mindless right wing bigoted insults like the typical terminally online troll drone but SOMEONE already has that on lockdown so instead I have to actually form a cohesive thought of my own before I post it and THINKING IS HARD Y'ALL.
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Yeah, @Mather this is weak sauce. You're barely top five.
View attachment 159699