Online Vinyl Deals

As someone who has been in Michigan my whole life, this sounds really interesting. I'm guessing it's a long story, but what is the main reason for all the location changes?
First three were family moves as a kid because my mom wanted some adventures after my dad died, the next dozen were work. I covered Latin America for years in the tech industry and had to spend several months in each of several different countries getting them set up and training local partners. Then in academia I've had to move where the work is. Now that it's looking like I'll get tenure at my current university, I'll probably be here for a while unless there's an opening in what I do at a school in an area the wife would rather live. But there's only a job or two in my area in the US each year, it's very competitive, and I'm not as ambitious and my health issues make my brain mushy, so I'm probably stuck here for a while no matter what. Not moving as often is kind of nice though.
Minnesota born-and-raised. Our kids have moved to the coasts - but will hopefully be back.

In my decades here, I will say it's been a pretty awesome experience. Great music venues/scene, great arts, theater and decent food. Excellent education and health care. (Hence, the outrageous f'in taxes!)

But here's the thing - all that is true if you're white (which I am). Person of color? Not so much.

George Floyd's murder laid bare so many of these disparaties. As a (mostly) thoughtful community, we've been uncomfortably working through a lot of these issues the last couple years. Things get exponentially worse when you venture outside the 5-6 metro areas in the state.

So yeah - regular tour stop for almost every artist, four seasons, all five (medicore) professional sports franchises, public investment, outdoorsy, urbany, etc. But like most places - we got work to do.
Mediocre? WOLVES ARE FIRST PLACE IN THE WEST. As far as I’m concerned, raise the banner.
Thank you, everyone, for sharing.

@stpaulbrowns completely agree with you and very well stated. BTW, we were just up in Boundary Waters in September, which is one of my favorite places on Earth.
I grew up in Atlanta, spent two decades in DC for grad school and work, and moved to Minneapolis last year. It's been great! I heard last year was one of the worst winters in a while, and it was nowhere near as bad as I imagined. Instead, the whole family had a lot more fun out in the snow than we had in the dark, cold, windy, rainy, and icy winters in DC.

We moved here because my wife grew up here and wanted to come back after spending 15 years in DC for grad school and work. (So maybe there's hope for you yet, @stpaulbrowns.) It's been a very pleasant experience for the most part. Housing is not as affordable as we thought it would be; yes, it's less than in DC, but we didn't end up with the mansion and/or low mortgage we and all our DC friends thought we might. Turns out all urban areas are pretty pricey. And there are things I miss--public transportation here leaves a lot to be desired compared with DC.

Still, I'm surprised by how dismissive people are of the Midwest, even when it's subtle and not ill-intentioned. My mom, who's visiting us now for Thanksgiving, cannot mention the word Minnesota without talking about how cold it is and saying that she doesn't know how anyone could choose to live there. It really grates on my wife. She doesn't say it out loud, but she always says to me, "Ah, Atlanta. It's so damn hot and humid in the summers. I don't know how anyone could live there." And I have to say, I've been converted. July and August in Atlanta and DC are pretty miserable; January through March in Minnesota just means there's more time to stay cozy at home with the family and more opportunities to listen to records.
so these discounted titles are all coming from ingram, as suspected. here's what oldies has been saying to folks:

These vinyl close-outs are coming from a large distributor who is discontinuing operations in the coming weeks. Between their wind-down and the (greatly) increased volume due to them liquidating their inventory, it's just taking them longer than usual to get our daily orders shipped and into our warehouse.