Online Vinyl Deals

I, who is still working through parring down my collection by a massive amount, see this and almost have PTSD.

I haven’t purchased a record since I started this process. It’s really making me evaluate how I buy records.
I’ve accepted that I will forever be trying to pare down my collection, so I’d never buy anything again if I wait until I feel like it’s pared down to my liking.

With that said, the $10 threshold is too tempting for me to pass up. I feel a lot of these brick and mortars have been dumping product these last couple months. Mostly because buyers are getting pickier. So I like to find a happy medium between being picky and jumping at a good deal when I see one.
I’ve accepted that I will forever be trying to pare down my collection, so I’d never buy anything again if I wait until I feel like it’s pared down to my liking.

With that said, the $10 threshold is too tempting for me to pass up. I feel a lot of these brick and mortars have been dumping product these last couple months. Mostly because buyers are getting pickier. So I like to find a happy medium between being picky and jumping at a good deal when I see one.
No doubt and I am sure I will be right back with you soon enough but in the midst of clearing out are reorganizing my collection adding more to this mess makes me itch.

Hopefully the end result is I can clear out enough space that I don’t have to worry about it for another few years.
Dark side sale. Not my thing but includes smashing pumpkins for 60%

Some of those prices are downright steals.

Grabbed Neil Young and a Saul Williams album. For sub 40 shipped. I am cool with that
If they're overpriced "glorified taped sets," I'm genuinely curious how much do you think they should cost in the current marketplace? I'm not asking how much you would be willing to pay -- that's a different question, and I don't think you should pay a dime more than it's worth to you.

I have all of them and think they sound great and have really nice packaging, including high-quality booklets with photos, interviews, and researched/written backstories. The label is very small and, to the extent these are only "glorified taped sets," making them sound as good as they do only increases production costs (e.g. paying Grundman), which are undoubtedly high after all the time/expense associated with the production/marketing/sales/distribution/shipping processes for a set of this quality, including paying the rights holders. This isn't Chad charging $40 for repressing a single disc from an existing plate using existing artwork.

Put another way, if Sound Detective sold every copy at full retail, do you really think they'd be making big $$$ off this endeavor? I find that hard to believe based on my knowledge of this industry (admittedly limited) but much more comprehensive knowledge of other businesses/industries.
I think I paid $60 per for the first two, and that to me is a LOT of money for a record that is limited in a lot of ways given the nature of the recording. I don't believe mine came with booklets so maybe that's where I find some of the product lacking. I think closer to $40-45 would have been a fairer price, but these were (are?) RSD releases so there's always a slight premium for that.