
Pretty killer weekend of music. Was happy to sleep in a hotel bed last night but what a party
looked fun. I've only been to one Phish festival -- Great Went -- which was amazing, but they've really dialed-in the experience.

someone posted and then pulled down a really hq video of the full secret set. There are others on YouTube, but this one was really good, presumably ripped from Phish stream or something like that. It was great.
Great deal! Especially with Hampton and the NYE 95.

Phish studio CDs are well mastered and sound really good. You'll definitely enjoy them
that was my thought -- I've actually got a couple of these on CD already, but I figured I can put the extras in little free libraries aorund my neihgborhood and get someone else into some phish. live phish (like the dead) is best on streaming or CD