Phono Cartridges - Your favorites and least favorites?

People LOVE them in the VPI group
I pulled the trigger on getting an older 10x5 that needs re-tipping. Will ship to VAS to put a line contact stylus on it.

I have not used a HOMC before and I've been curious about this one on the Traveler since I purchased the table. My Hana SL is getting long in the tooth, so this one will move ahead in the re-tipping line.
Dynavector 10x5 (with Soundsmith sapphire/contact line retip): I had a 10x5 years ago and didn't really enjoy the sound (was a little mellow for me) especially given the pricepoint. Earlier this year I bought a broken 10x5 for about $70 and had it retipped for $300 by Soundsmith, and its like night and day. Definitely my fav cart I've ever had and great value considering it was about half the price of a new 10x5.
@imajindat - Is the Dynavector 10x5 still your favorite cart? I'm also buying one to retip with a line contact stylus (aluminum cantilever, though).
Mounted the retipped SAE and am giving it a spin. First impression is good, and the character is even more different from than Zephyr MIMC than I remembered. The SAE is the more voluptuous cart, with a bass emphasis lacking on the comparatively neutral Soundsmith. I am listening to an LP that I haven't spent a ton of time with, though. Once this one's done I'll throw on something I've heard more recently so I have a better point of comparison.

Happy to have this thing back in the house. It's a fun, different alternative to the Soundsmith.