Phono Cartridges - Your favorites and least favorites?

I'd bet you'd see the biggest bump just from playing records that are as clean as possible.
At least I've got that covered!

Yes, alignment is critical as inevitable wear will be equal on the stylus.
Kind of like tires and car alignment.
This was kind of my thinking. I'm trying to justify paying a professional to do my install. I know I could do it, but honestly I just don't want to. Let someone else do the work and let me enjoy the fun.
The car analogy is perfect actually. I could change my own oil, but I don't want to.
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At least I've got that covered!

This was kind of my thinking. I'm trying to justify paying a professional to do my install. I know I could do it, but honestly I just don't want to. Let someone else do the work and let me enjoy the fun.
The car analogy is perfect actually. I could change my own oil, but I don't want to.
I do my own but I buy specialized protractor, VTA blocks, etc..
It's really not too technical but I'm sure some experts can take it to the Nth degree, especially with a microscope or something.
I do my own but I buy specialized protractor, VTA blocks, etc..
It's really not too technical but I'm sure some experts can take it to the Nth degree, especially with a microscope or something.
That's also part of my justification. I know some people burn through carts every couple years, while others keep a line up of carts they rotate.

I on the other hand, seem to have a stylus in a groove for about 6-10 hours per month (avg). And I've found I just don't tinker with gear once it's dialed in. Carts easily last me over 5 years, potentially close to 10 with my consistent cleaning and maintenance practices. That means when I'm changing a cart, I'm going to be rusty at best even if I have all the equipment. Which I would probably invest in a test record, protractor and some sort of magnification.

Then I get into the factor of going into microlines and MC carts where even a retip is expensive... well the cart mounting offered as a service (from someone I'd trust) is looking even more appealing. Add in the peace of mind knowing that someone seasoned has done it to the nth degree with tools I would never consider purchasing. AND it's like I'm buying back a listening session or two for myself later. I'm oddly finding this easy to justify.
LED lights are known to be generators of RFI. What you need is a good, old-fashioned incandescent lamp. ;)
The RFI associated with LED lights is power supply related. That can be remedied with a quiet power supply. The dimmer circuit needs special attention as well - since it works by PWM that varies the on-off duty cycle at a frequency not noticeable to our eyes. @kvetcha 's example of the "fancy living" light display might be fixable by relocating it's power supply and control electronics far away.
The RFI associated with LED lights is power supply related. That can be remedied with a quiet power supply. The dimmer circuit needs special attention as well - since it works by PWM that varies the on-off duty cycle at a frequency not noticeable to our eyes. @kvetcha 's example of the "fancy living" light display might be fixable by relocating it's power supply and control electronics far away.
sadly I tried this: no difference no matter where the power supply was plugged in (both on the wall and into the panels). in this case, the light panels are individual smart units that are networked through physical connectors and I think they must just be throwing off significant RFI as a byproduct of being both LED lights and WiFi connected.
sadly I tried this: no difference no matter where the power supply was plugged in (both on the wall and into the panels). in this case, the light panels are individual smart units that are networked through physical connectors and I think they must just be throwing off significant RFI as a byproduct of being both LED lights and WiFi connected.
That's the problem. The collective of "smart units" are collectively outsmarting you!
That's the problem. The collective of "smart units" are collectively outsmarting you!
I never noticed it until I mounted and used this Nagaoka because the lights were on the adjoining sidewall the last time I tried a MM cartridge, and the HOMC and LOMI carts aren't susceptible to RFI!

I'm honestly okay with it now that I understand the issue. It was driving me crazy trying to research why it would only affect one of my three cartridges. It's a tolerable buzz, and I mainly keep the Nag for situations where I'm afraid people might damage the nicer carts.
Someone here is using a Grado MCZ stylus, yeah? I recently swapped my Platinum3 off the Cliffwood back to the original VPI/Grado Green cart and put an MCZ on it.

Grado claims 2000 hours on their woodies, but I've always found around 1000 that things start to get a little toothy. Perhaps a table that can dial the cartridge in tighter may increase lifespan. It's possible my ears were getting a bit weary of the same cart after that long, too.

Only a few hours in, but very interesting and enjoyable thus far. Will post a detailed rundown after it's broken in. Off the bat, it's a winner.
Someone here is using a Grado MCZ stylus, yeah? I recently swapped my Platinum3 off the Cliffwood back to the original VPI/Grado Green cart and put an MCZ on it.

Grado claims 2000 hours on their woodies, but I've always found around 1000 that things start to get a little toothy. Perhaps a table that can dial the cartridge in tighter may increase lifespan. It's possible my ears were getting a bit weary of the same cart after that long, too.

Only a few hours in, but very interesting and enjoyable thus far. Will post a detailed rundown after it's broken in. Off the bat, it's a winner.
Grado use technics to test, maybe you just need to accept the love of Technics back into your life
Grado use technics to test, maybe you just need to accept the love of Technics back into your life
I love them, for the record! My wife however HATES the way they look as our living room TT. I also thought about moving the StudioDeck in there and doing a direct drive for my office, but she hates the way the MoFi looks too. Haha. She very much goes for simple layout, woodgrain tables, so the VPI Cliffwood in the truffle finish fits the bill.

My ear also really gravitates to the VPI sound signature, but I happen to hate the way their tables look higher up in the chain, sans the Classic (I won't do unipivot either, so that eliminates all Classics but the Signature) - so that's a pretty big price jump from where I'm at, and it's such a huge table, I'm honestly not sure it would even work for the space.

The Denon 3000 definitely seems like it would check off all the boxes should I ever get the itch.
I love them, for the record! My wife however HATES the way they look as our living room TT. I also thought about moving the StudioDeck in there and doing a direct drive for my office, but she hates the way the MoFi looks too. Haha. She very much goes for simple layout, woodgrain tables, so the VPI Cliffwood in the truffle finish fits the bill.

My ear also really gravitates to the VPI sound signature, but I happen to hate the way their tables look higher up in the chain, sans the Classic (I won't do unipivot either, so that eliminates all Classics but the Signature) - so that's a pretty big price jump from where I'm at, and it's such a huge table, I'm honestly not sure it would even work for the space.

The Denon 3000 definitely seems like it would check off all the boxes should I ever get the itch.
What about the new VPI. The one that looks like a classic but isn't... Blanking on the name.
I love them, for the record! My wife however HATES the way they look as our living room TT. I also thought about moving the StudioDeck in there and doing a direct drive for my office, but she hates the way the MoFi looks too. Haha. She very much goes for simple layout, woodgrain tables, so the VPI Cliffwood in the truffle finish fits the bill.

My ear also really gravitates to the VPI sound signature, but I happen to hate the way their tables look higher up in the chain, sans the Classic (I won't do unipivot either, so that eliminates all Classics but the Signature) - so that's a pretty big price jump from where I'm at, and it's such a huge table, I'm honestly not sure it would even work for the space.

The Denon 3000 definitely seems like it would check off all the boxes should I ever get the itch.
Model One! Yes, Model One.. That's the... uh.... one.
It does! Suspended plinth.

@Mather it's 5 Gs. Just isn't in my ballpark at the moment. Maybe in retirement!! Hahaha (none of us will ever retire 😭)
Suspended but not with springs. It's interesting but I would definitely wait until they release Forever Model 2, just to see what the price gap is and if they offer a type of 1.5 package that will maybe be a One with the arm or platter from the Two.