Political Discussion

Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris late Saturday evening. The arrest occurred shortly after Durov arrived on a private jet from Azerbaijan and is said to be part of a joint investigation by several agencies investigating alleged failures in content moderation on the Telegram platform that may have facilitated criminal activity.

The CEO of Telegram was arrested over the weekend in France and the reasons as for why could be considered controversial. Essentially Telegram failed to provide adequate content moderation which may have allowed criminals to facilitate criminal activity on the platform.

The controversial part of this is that this implies that censorship is mandatory and CEO's of tech companies could be held criminally liable for what users do on their platform.

I know next top nothing about Telegram and it's CEO. But even if he is a dirtbag like Elon, wouldn't fines or shutting down the App in France be the path they should have taken?
Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris late Saturday evening. The arrest occurred shortly after Durov arrived on a private jet from Azerbaijan and is said to be part of a joint investigation by several agencies investigating alleged failures in content moderation on the Telegram platform that may have facilitated criminal activity.

The CEO of Telegram was arrested over the weekend in France and the reasons as for why could be considered controversial. Essentially Telegram failed to provide adequate content moderation which may have allowed criminals to facilitate criminal activity on the platform.

The controversial part of this is that this implies that censorship is mandatory and CEO's of tech companies could be held criminally liable for what users do on their platform.

I know next top nothing about Telegram and it's CEO. But even if he is a dirtbag like Elon, wouldn't fines or shutting down the App in France be the path they should have taken?
So the French Government is supposed to release a statement today as to why he was detained.

While there is speculation about the lack of moderation, I imagine it has more to do with the platform’s refusal to share with law enforcement regarding criminal activity that is facilitated by the encrypted messaging of the service. It sounds like it is a mix of twitter and WhatsApp except criminal activity has run rampant on it.
The latest breaking news alert I got is that Trump my skip September's debate. His in a dispute with ABC over the microphone muting rules, and unless he get's his way of having no muting, he's threatening to be a no show.