Political Discussion

I mean did you ever watch his debates? He wasn’t the sharpest butter knife in the drawer. He was also pretty much just a prop for Chaney… so fuck him.
Correct. Again not a defense and TBH, I have read think pieces that feel that Will Ferrell “Bro Bush” made him a softer figure that he did not deserve.

Also, when I think of Cheney/Bush dynamic I think of this SNL sketch (unfortunately, I am unable to find it) that is like an episode of COPS where the police show up to investigate a domestic violence incident and it appears that Daryl Hammond Dick Cheney (appropriately adorned in a wife beater) had given Ferrell’s W a black eye and now W was lying to protect him.
Yea i mean Letterman had a bit with W flubbing a speech every week. SNL rode the wave, but I don't think it was the originator. He couldn't orate for shit.
Yeah, he was never a good speaker but what Ferrell did is take that and his past as an Ivy League Cheerleader and his past fondness for cocaine and created a character that was more than just a caricature and help define the way the public viewed him.

Don't like this kind of thing one bit. Using religion for evil and oppression has such a long history, but it's still freaky to see how easily it can still happen.
And it's not even true within it's own logic because people coming to the is overwhelmingly coming from middle and south American countries which are in the majority Christian.so the word "" Christian" he uses means white. Protestants

This is interesting. I guess the Swiss base fines on income. So the more you make the larger your fine will be. It also helps with them not caring about misbehaving or caring because the fine is peanuts to them.
Day-fines ( Day-fine - Wikipedia ) are a pretty Common thing in many European countries penal Systems. So the court will determine the fine as e.g. 40 day-fines, which means 40 times the offenders daily income. The idea is that the fines for a crime should not be the same but affect the offenders in the same way.
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Day-fines ( Day-fine - Wikipedia ) are a pretty Commonwealth thing in many European counrties penal Systems. So the court will determiniert ghe fine it e.g. 40 day-fines, which meandering 40 times the offenders daily income. The idea is that the fines for a crime should not be the same but affect the offenders in the same way.
I fully support this.

Would it surprise you if I told you the majority of Americans would not? They are very anti this because it's not fare that one person pay more than another. Just like taxes, the percent of income argument does not work on them. It's why should I pay substantially more than this other person.

Don't like this kind of thing one bit. Using religion for evil and oppression has such a long history, but it's still freaky to see how easily it can still happen.
“Every day she is flooding our country with billions and billions of illegal aliens...”


Also, Jesus was a well known xenophobe, the New Testament talks frequently about him telling the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free to fuck off.