Political Discussion

Or not you mean?

Yeah, I know a lot of left leaning Boomers who are out of touch. while they are liberal in many aspects, they still don't grasp that things are different for the younger generations. Student loan debt and the cost of housing. They are very much like you must be doing something wrong if you aren't have the same success as me.

You've just described my parents.
One of the things my mother always likes remind me of is that "I make more money than she did at the same age". But she only did two years of college, not 4 and it was much much cheaper. She also has worked retail her whole life. Retail management in stores when she was younger and the past 30 years in a corporate office.

She didn't have a massive amount of college debt. And she could afford a home after my parents got divorced in the early to mid 90's. I forget exactly when it was. Yes I make a lot more money than you did at the same age, but I can't afford shit.
Or not you mean?

Yeah, I know a lot of left leaning Boomers who are out of touch. while they are liberal in many aspects, they still don't grasp that things are different for the younger generations. Student loan debt and the cost of housing. They are very much like you must be doing something wrong if you aren't have the same success as me.
This sort of divergence between generations is absolutely nothing new. My parents who grew up in the Great Depression and then lived and served through WWII didn’t understand their children any better than what you are talking about now.
What is with people who own boats being Trumpies?

When I was at the beach this summer, there is a section of the beach people who own bulls pull up too and anchor right on the shore and wade in to the beach. Most of the boats had Trump flags.

Also, in that video. Doe these people not understand things are much much harder now for younger generations? They are pretty much like, if I could do it, you can do it too. Get an education, get a good job and work hard.

Today that just gets you enslaved to debt, a job that you can't afford a house on and no matter how hard you work you won't got ahead. It's all about the people you know or generational wealth or getting very lucky.
I wonder if it's that a majority of boat owners are Trumpers, or is it that Trumpers are the only ones who are decking their boats out in political flags and gear? Driving around rural Oregon I get the same feeling about huge Chevys; when everyone else is keeping it down to a couple of Dutch Bros. or Rockaway Beach stickers, the guy sporting several Blue Lives / "cry more" stickers and a huge tattered American flag really stands out. It can feel like he's speaking for all the huge-ass Chevys.
Looks like it's on Schumer to prevent a government shut down. Johnson's next movie is unclear and he does not have the votes to pass anything in the house at this time.

Schumer is looking it pass a budget and send it to the house to approve sometime next week. All they need is a couple Republicans to vote for it to keep the status quo and the government running.

It's likely all the Democrats will vote for it, the quest is will we get enough Republicans. At any rate, this is the best bet we have as the Republican party is still too divided over being able to pass a budget while holding the majority. And you know, of course they blame the democrats because not a single one will vote for it. Well no shit, when you try cramming in voter suppression what do you expect will happen?

Oh don't worry. We're in the upside down world where even though the Republicans can't get the votes for their own funding bill that ties the budget to the needless illegal voting bill, it will somehow be the Democrats fault.

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Oh don't worry. We're in the upside down world where even though the Republicans can't get the votes for their own funding bill that ties the budget to the needless illegal voting bill. But it will somehow be the Democrats fault.

According to that article, 3 democrats actually voted for the republicans bill that included the SAVE ACT :oops:
@Nee Lewman did you know if you have someone vote for you as a write in for the presidential election you will actually get a notice in the mail that says someone voted for you or people if more than one did

I know this, because I work with someone who was very involved with politics and held a local elective office position in his community as well as working a full time job. He brought in the letter he got saying people wrote him in / voted for him for president.
@Nee Lewman did you know if you have someone vote for you as a write in for the presidential election you will actually get a notice in the mail that says someone voted for you or people if more than one did

I know this, because I work with someone who was very involved with politics and held a local elective office position in his community as well as working a full time job. He brought in the letter he got saying people wrote him in / voted for him for president.
Who gets all the mail for Mickey Mouse?

Also, because this is a real thing - what happens when there are three Glenn Newman’s in your town.


P.S. talk about wasteful government spending.
Oh don't worry. We're in the upside down world where even though the Republicans can't get the votes for their own funding bill that ties the budget to the needless illegal voting bill, it will somehow be the Democrats fault.

If they shut down the government it would happen likely the week before the election. The week before every member of the US House would be seeking reelection. They will pass something last minute. That’s how this BS always works.
More of this crazy timeline

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The mayor of Springfield, Ohio, issued a proclamation Thursday claiming temporary emergency powers “to mitigate public safety concerns” as false claims about Haitian immigrants continue to stoke bomb threats and the specter of violence in the community.
