Political Discussion

I'm not going to say fuck every Israeli citizen, because there are always going to be people appalled and helpless to the actions of their state (me, for example), but it's a relatively new state, and bloodthirst and dehumanizing have been a conerstone of its existence for decades, long before Netanyahu. Many, many people are in the vice of that kind of thinking.
I say fuck Netanyahu. Israel is for sure a fubared situation but his leadership has made it worse and it’s not clear to me that the Israeli people support it. They certainly don’t support his approach to this bullshit war which he continues to escalate.

I understand the political consequences of not supporting Israel but at what point do we go Hey fucking knock it off? I think we are long past that stage.

I've been saying Fuck Isreal for 25 years now and don't expect it to change anytime soon. This does not equate to fuck all Israelis or fuck the Jews in any way, shape or form. The state itself and its actions, however...
I don’t know. There is a segment of people who are miserable and will blame that misery on everyone else. One of the things Trump does is reinforce that notion that everything is bad and it isn’t their fault, it’s the evil left and status quo in government.

I was just reading an article about Springfield and there is a gentleman in the article who complains about how hard life there has been since the Haitians came to town and it sounded very much like it is not as bad there as it is elsewhere, but he is unaware of this and just assumes the things he is facing have to be because of the Haitians and not because you know… his personal choices, the pandemic and the effects of late stage capitalism. He has an easy scapegoat and took it. He sees the immigrants doing well and makes assumptions about what must be happening instead of informing himself.

Trump has been able to feed off of these feelings and capitalize on the inherent laziness of those that would espouse the arguments he makes. Furthermore, because a certain segment of those groups are evangelical, he has been able to get support from those groups as well and use things like failed assassinations to show that there is some kind of divine influence on him.

It all sets him up to be a leader who says, you’re right things are bad, no it’s not your fault and I’m gonna fix it for you. He prays on their ignorance which also assists them in blindly following him.

The more I read about what is going on at his rallies and what his supporters think (not the pundits but the people who vote for him)… the more I understand his allure.

The more I watch the pundits willfully create bad faith arguments around everything… just watch this…

The more despicable I think the whole Republican operation is right now.

The one thing I can’t figure out and wish I or someone could is how to break this cycle. How do we get these people who just want some support to see things the way they are? You don’t need to go to school to know that, while things still need some work, we are very much in a better place than we were four years ago today… so no things weren’t better under Trump.

Part of it has to be we just start listening to folks. There’s no need to correct them or think ill of them but just try to meet them where they are, acknowledge them and then try to work together.

This doesn’t really correct the issue but it drives home the root of the problem…

We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.
This doesn’t really correct the issue but it drives home the root of the problem…

We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.

I mean that’s what they actually do (the republicans)… their base wants them to do things. They promise the base they will do them and that Dems are the source of all their ills. How do we get the base to understand that with out gotcha moments, seemingly talking down to them and trying to persuade them?
I mean that’s what they actually do (the republicans)… their base wants them to do things. They promise the base they will do them and that Dems are the source of all their ills. How do we get the base to understand that with out gotcha moments, seemingly talking down to them and trying to persuade them?
To expound on this, the guy, Ron, that I was referring to in the article I linked above. The reporter talked to him and heard him out. The next step is getting him to the community center so that he can see it’s not just a line for handouts. How do we facilitate that?

He’s willing to say that there are possibly cats being eaten but he hasn’t seen it. So show him what is actually happening.
To expound on this, the guy, Ron, that I was referring to in the article I linked above. The reporter talked to him and heard him out. The next step is getting him to the community center so that he can see it’s not just a line for handouts. How do we facilitate that?

He’s willing to say that there are possibly cats being eaten but he hasn’t seen it. So show him what is actually happening.
You act like people aren’t perfectly content with being miserable if they don’t have to accept accountability for it. Sure, there is a solid chunk of that are just ignorant but if they have an uncurious mind nothing anybody shows or tells them is gonna change that.

Humans are stupid animals. We are just smart enough to think we are smart enough.
You act like people aren’t perfectly content with being miserable if they don’t have to accept accountability for it. Sure, there is a solid chunk of that are just ignorant but if they have an uncurious mind nothing anybody shows or tells them is gonna change that.

Humans are stupid animals. We are just smart enough to think we are smart enough.
I don’t know. I’ve seen enough people change because of contact with other/information that I’m willing to give it a go. Very few people are willfully ignorant.

Our species as a whole sucks, but one on one -most are at the very least decent.
I don’t know. I’ve seen enough people change because of contact with other/information that I’m willing to give it a go. Very few people are willfully ignorant.

Our species as a whole sucks, but one on one -most are at the very least decent.
I can be cordial with almost anyone but they would need to have an open mind for them to change their beliefs. Most adults are who they are. Most people never change.
So the Fed lowered interest rates by a half a point and the Teamsters decided not to endorse anyone. A couple big news pieces that could shape the election.

The amazing part is that nearly 60% of the rank and file teamsters support Trump, who is overtly anti-union.

People make no goddamn sense sometimes.
The Teamsters president spoke at the RNC so it's not a shock to me that they don't endorse Kamala. That's one union who didn't endorse her versus a ton that did. The rate cut is a bigger deal because it could help unlock more spending in the economy before the election though it lags a bit. I'm going to assume the half a point was to make good for not cutting last month when most people thought the Fed would go ahead and start cutting rates. The worry was that maybe they waited too late but most economic reports seem to show we may actually get the soft landing we were hoping for.
The Teamsters president spoke at the RNC so it's not a shock to me that they don't endorse Kamala. That's one union who didn't endorse her versus a ton that did. The rate cut is a bigger deal because it could help unlock more spending in the economy before the election though it lags a bit. I'm going to assume the half a point was to make good for not cutting last month when most people thought the Fed would go ahead and start cutting rates. The worry was that maybe they waited too late but most economic reports seem to show we may actually get the soft landing we were hoping for.
Yeah the half point is a much bigger deal for sure.