This is such a hilarious self own.
People like to have health insurance. Obamacare has been in place now for over a decade.
Maybe he should also stress that if Trump wins he will end social security and Medicare too.
That would really inspire voters to rally behind Trump
No specifics were listed, but but Johnson did say after Healthcare they would 100% privatize other things as well. So those could very well be what he was referring too.
I love how he spins off privatizing as making healthcare / insurance better.
Healthcare is very expensive right now, and people hate that. The Republicans like to think that's because of regulations and Obamacare was disastrous. Let me break it to them. Prices are only going to go up for many and others will be rejected coverage if we privatize health insurance. Certain coverages that are garnered now will be eliminated. But they are not talking about that.
Just that regulation is unAmerican and we need to fix our broken healthcare system by 100% privatizing it and get the governments involvement out.