Political Discussion

Sorry you can't afford a home, our plagiarism machine that wastes millions of gallons of water has to compete with China's.

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Well, the good news is the plagiarism machine will probably eventually put most of us out of work and we have no plan for if/when that happens*, so we have that to look forward to when deciding to purchase a home, or eat.

* Oh and one of the things to go was any kind of regulation around the plagiarism machine.
Reminds me of the "Innisfail Smell." Growing up when I'd go visit my Dad in Alberta during the summer there was one little pocket of town that got the perfect crossbreeze of the dog food plant, the meat packers and the sewage treatment plant. Sometimes there was an extra sprinkling of cow shit from the auction mart for good measure. Also not nearly as bad as it once was, but man was it something!
I went to school for a bit in Peoria IL and they have a dog food plant and on a muggy day the whole city smelled like rotten salami.
Well, the good news is the plagiarism machine will probably eventually put most of us out of work and we have no plan for if/when that happens*, so we have that to look forward to when deciding to purchase a home, or eat.

* Oh and one of the things to go was any kind of regulation around the plagiarism machine.
Unrelated: everybody should probably read How to Blow Up a Pipeline by Andreas Malm.
Tacoma ain’t Seattle. It’s the most rust belt city in the PNW. The nice thing is instead of being surrounded by flat corn and soy bean fields we get mountainous everygreen forests and the Puget Sound.

We are known for our smell, the “Tacoma Aroma” that comes from the Commencement Bay industrial area, a mixture of paper mill pulp, animal rendering, and raw sewage (TBF, it’s not nearly as bad as it once was).
and a freeway project that never ends
But it does show they can be shamed into backing off, well at least till they get a more foolproof plan in place. This is why we need a competent media that doesn't just regurgitate the Trump line and pushes back on obvious bullshit. Take this latest story that Trump is having Elon send up a rocket to get the two astronauts on the I.S.S. Yeah, that mission has been planned since August. It would also help if Democrats would start saying shit constantly and loudly in the actual House and Senate. Instead it appears to fall to Democratic governors like Tim Walz and Gavin Newsom.
That's what helps them justify using the military against the people
I think the real test is going to be if Trump's military is filled with Proud Boys (unlikely to even pass the physical), or actually people or principal. It's kind of a roll of the dice, but I can see the majority being slightly uncomfortable with all of this.
I think it means something to him but he would never let you know it means something to him.
I think the man knows he's hated, he left office with an absolutely dismal approval rating. Everything is about winning though, so he'll claim without any shred of proof he's the best ever. That's the Roy Cohn playbook.
At the end of the day though, he knows, and doesn't care, because this term is about petty revenge and enrichment.