Political Discussion

I went to school for a bit in Peoria IL and they have a dog food plant and on a muggy day the whole city smelled like rotten salami.
My grandparents retired to Reedville Va and there was a perfume factory the other side of the river/bay/idk and especially during the summers as a kid it reeked of fish, bad. The plant closed and it ain’t stinky there anymore.
While this is a BLATANT violation of the 1st amendment. What are the odds that any violators will be whisked off the street and expelled from the country on the first flight before they can even say boo?
This is part of their whole argument regarding birthright citizenship… that you aren’t protected by the constitution if you are not a citizen.
If I'm a POC in the States, I'm getting really fucking nervous and looking for the rip cord right the fuck now.

Hell, I'm a POC in Canada and am terrified as fuck. I have family who are POC in Florida, California, Michigan and New York and I'm terrified for them. They're also citizens, but immigrated from the Caribbean.

In fact, you know what? I'm blanket terrified for anyone that isn't a white, Republican man right now.
This needs to be the top story everywhere and everyone needs to be screaming from the rafters at this.
This is where the people will go to disappear. This is the concentration camp. I'm appalled.

Edit: HOW FUCKING MANY DOES HE WANT THERE!? Doesn't it have the capacity for like 800 max?
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