It’s always good when you have someone whom you like, or even at the very least respect, that holds such differing views to debate with. That’s something that is becoming clearer to me. If you can’t engage with the other human being, as a human being, there’s no point in even bothering. In addition, if you don’t already hold that standing in someone’s life, your opinions are worthless to that person. Save the energy for places it will be of value.
That was part of the issue with my prior engagements with folks here before and will inform my ongoing discussions in this thread. I need to recognize when the friction is about ideas, or people. There are some folks on here I just don’t like. I guarantee that some folks here just don’t like me. That’s ok. It’s on me to resist the urge to tie into it with someone whom I simply don’t like. As far as what others do, that’s not on me.