The state of public transportation does not look good for our future in the United States.
Pretty much every public transportation system is running at a deficit. Budgets are being cut, not increased as needed to continue to provide service, fares are increasing faster than inflation and thus fare skipping is up.
This was just in the news within the last week or so:
Philadelphia’s mass transit system is proposing a 21.5% fare increase starting New Year’s Day and also considering severe service cuts that would take effect in the summer.
Basically, a 21.5% fare hike goes into effect January 1st. Additionally, a 7.5% fare hike that is separate is coming up for a vote later this month and if passed both fare hikes would go into effect. If both fare hikes go into effect bus and subway tickets will go from $2 to $2.90 for a 1 way / single ride ticket. Additionally, substantial service cuts are expected to be necessary and take place in July. SEPTA is the sixth largest public transportation system in the United States.
Here in Massachusetts public transportation rates go up every year. Service levels of certain bus routes and commuter rail have never returned to pre pandemic levels. And even before the pandemic, service frequency wan't enough to make public transportation an attractive option. It still stands out to me, seeing a post from a European visiting the area complaining about 1 train every hour makes zero sense. That frequency is no where close to what they have in Europe and makes taking the train in the United States very inconvenient. No wonder Americans don't use public transportation. Additionally, 1 train ever hour is during peak commuting hours. During the weekend mid day or after the evening commute it's 1 train every 2 hours with the MBTA commuter rail.
In Western Massachusetts, in the country I grew up in, public transportation via bus service ended within the last couple of years. The public transportation system went bankrupt and closed up. There is no longer any bus service available leaving people only with the option of Uber or Lyft which is significantly more expensive for the poor that depend on the bus service to get to the grocery store.
Speculation has major cuts or elimination of public transportation budgets coming during Trumps next term. Which will make things significantly worse.
How about expansions of public transportation? It's looking bleak right now. Pretty much all expansion of upgrades to existing infrastructure is being paid for by federal money in Massachusetts. They have gotten a lot of work done over the last 4 years on repairs needed to infrastructure after 40 years of deferred maintenance. But they have a long way to go. And current expansion projects (which are just returning service to where it once was before it was cut are in jeopardy if the federal budget goes away). From the 70's through early 90's the MBTA cut a lot of the commuter rails reach as it was projected people would continue to abandon trains and drive. Now that ridership and demand is growing, they are finding the need to try to bring back service to these areas. Such as the south shore, further west and connecting the north and south ends of Boston back together by rail (which was severed during the big dig in the 1990s).
The return of rail service from Southern New Hampshire to Boston looked very promising, but it looks like as of last week politicians are kicking the can down the road to the next generation. The MBTA cut commuter rail service to New Hampshire in the 1970's after New Hampshire stopped providing any money or subsidization to the rail service. With the cost of living becoming so high in Massachusetts, there has been a a lot of people moving to Southern New Hampshire to commute into Boston daily over the last 25 years. The commute into Boston via I-93 is miserable, gridlock and stop and go traffic. This has made a very vocal demand to expand the MBTA commuter rail back into Souther New Hampshire. Something state law makers, mostly republicans are very against. They are okay with taking tax money from the populated areas of the state and using it in the rural areas for road work. But taking that money and using it to benefit the populated areas and provide service like commuter rail to Boston makes their heads explode. They keep saying the money could be better spend on the states roads as a whole, rather then benefiting a few communities that the expended commuter rail would service. They also like to vilify commuter rail as a "19th century technology" and that we need to invest in more modern technology such as improving our roads and buses. Thus they expanded I-93 to 3 lanes from Manchester to the MA state line (which solved nothing because the bottle neck is in MA where the high way can't be expanded any wider to do how densely settled the area is around the highway) and subsides bus service where people can just sit in traffic for hours on a bus instead of driving.
These failures and with a population boom in 2020 with even more people leaving MA the demand for commuter rail is higher than ever before and very front and center as a top political need. So the Republican law makers passed a law stating that no state money can be used or budgeted for passenger rail. Bastards.
However, with Biden's infrastructure bill, federal money was approved to pay for building the stations, upgrading the tracks and signal systems in full for commuter rail. That just left them to figure out who has to pay for subsidizing the tickets, as MA would not foot the bill alone. The Democrat candidate for Governor this year made a campaign promise that she would bring Commuter Rail to NH and would make sure it's subsidized. However, sadly, the Republican candidate won and she is very against subsidizing commuter rail. Thus it was determined after the election that the state can't be counted on help subsidize the service and therefor it would fall entirely on the towns/cities that the commuter rail services to foot the bill.
In the latest meeting about moving the commuter rail project forward last week, the towns said they just don't have budget to do it alone, and therefor they are opting to not pay for commuter rail subsidize at this time. Which means they are kicking the can down the road to the next generation and have opted for now expended commuter rail service into New Hampshire.
Why is public transportation funding such a contentious issue. Especially from conservatives or red states saying instead of funding public transportation on populous areas the money should be funned to rural areas for better use with making repairs to our infrastructure. I know my step father has this view as well, but he works in construction. And repairs to infrastructure keeps in working so he want's all the highway projects that he can get.