Political Discussion

I would say this is currently the expected result. The party in power usually loses seats during the midterm. If the GOP doesn’t take back the house in 2022 it would be a pretty big upset and also would likely put a nail in the coffin of MAGA as an influential portion of the GOP. Also, states that lost seat vs states that gained seat following the 2020 census favors GOP controlled states which will allow them to gerrymander districts further. It’s why many on the Left are trying to hammer through as much as possible over the remaining year and a half before Speaker McCarthy starts only allowing show votes on repealing Obamacare, banning trans athletes and Critical Race Theory from schools nationwide and cutting taxes…Oh, and all the “investigative” hearings on Hunter Biden’s laptop and all the “election fraud”.
Gridlock we can believe in.
I would say this is currently the expected result. The party in power usually loses seats during the midterm. If the GOP doesn’t take back the house in 2022 it would be a pretty big upset and also would likely put a nail in the coffin of MAGA as an influential portion of the GOP. Also, states that lost seat vs states that gained seat following the 2020 census favors GOP controlled states which will allow them to gerrymander districts further. It’s why many on the Left are trying to hammer through as much as possible over the remaining year and a half before Speaker McCarthy starts only allowing show votes on repealing Obamacare, banning trans athletes and Critical Race Theory from schools nationwide and cutting taxes…Oh, and all the “investigative” hearings on Hunter Biden’s laptop and all the “election fraud”.
Not if they all die from refusing to get vaccinated
It's looking like the new eviction moratorium could be struck down as soon as next week by the courts.

Lawyers for a group of landlords are using Bidens words against him in court. That Biden called this new moratorium a "delay tactic" and that Biden himself doesn't think it will hold up.
"I got on the phone and contacted a number of constitutional scholars I've relied on for years beyond my own team, and there was a split," Biden said Thursday on the South Lawn, where he was promoting electric vehicles. "And the consensus of the folks that I have used the most said, 'We think you have the authority to do it.'"

"But in this court," Biden added, "who knows?"

The majority of the rental assistance funds still has not been used. And this delay tactic was meant to buy people more time for that money to reach them. But if it is stuck down next week, it likely will not have any meaningful effect. States are simply taking way to long to distribute that money and landlords don't want to wait for it.

Many corporate landlords can get money from a new renter than by keeping their current tenant. And it is often built into their leases if you ever are not paid up in full by x amount of days from the due date you are going to be evicted. And it's not negotiable. Corporate landlords are using these terms of their leases to evict current residence to raise rent. The property management company of my current apartment have in the lease that if I'm ever more than 7 days late on the rent it's an automatic eviction.

When it comes to private landlords of a property or few, a lot of them need money now. They are behind on their mortgage because rent hasn't been paid. They can't wait 3 or 4 months for the government to pay the back rent. They need it now. So they are trying to cut their losses and get a new tenant.

Any area with rent control is likely to see the highest rates of evictions. Rent has been soaring across the country minus a couple cities like NYC. Rent control is supposed to keep housing affordable, but landlords are using the pandemic to reset rent to higher levels. So the pandemic essentially turned rent control into motivation to evict.
It really frees Texas and Florida up to beg for other things instead.

On the bright side, the lack of a public health emergency being declared in Florida means that Florida's governor does not have the power to issue the mask mandate ban in public schools. Legal experts are saying his ban and threats to cut state funding to schools who have a mask mandate will not hold up in court without a public health emergency being in place.

With DeSantis doubling down at resisting issuing mandates or declaring a public health emergency this at least gives local counties a d school districts to issue their own mandates. But they likely have to be willing to go to court over it.

DeSantis' fall back plane is to have the state pay for any student to attend private school / parents to be able to pull their kids out of public school over mask mandates.
DeSantis' fall back plane is to have the state pay for any student to attend private school / parents to be able to pull their kids out of public school over mask mandates.
I freaking hate this view.
For my oldest, he gets so many services through the public school that if we were to just take him out and put him in a private school:

1. We would have to find a private school that takes moderately functioning ASD kids--not low functioning, there are tons of private institutions for individuals with severe ASD, but a moderate case that needs things like social training, and specialized IEP goals to address his sensory and developmental difficulties.

2. This magic school needs to be in our price range.

Very few private schools will take kids that need IEPs. Their IEPs are federally required for individuals with disabilities, and though the private schools can get state therapists in the school for services, many don't like dealing with the hassle of this, and they really don't like kids like this bringing their scores down or taking up too much of the teacher's time. There's really no equivalent to the classroom and the services my son gets at a public school. Private schools are eager to take gifted students, but they do everything they can to try to avoid the other side of the SpEd coin.
I freaking hate this view.
For my oldest, he gets so many services through the public school that if we were to just take him out and put him in a private school:

1. We would have to find a private school that takes moderately functioning ASD kids--not low functioning, there are tons of private institutions for individuals with severe ASD, but a moderate case that needs things like social training, and specialized IEP goals to address his sensory and developmental difficulties.

2. This magic school needs to be in our price range.

Very few private schools will take kids that need IEPs. Their IEPs are federally required for individuals with disabilities, and though the private schools can get state therapists in the school for services, many don't like dealing with the hassle of this, and they really don't like kids like this bringing their scores down or taking up too much of the teacher's time. There's really no equivalent to the classroom and the services my son gets at a public school. Private schools are eager to take gifted students, but they do everything they can to try to avoid the other side of the SpEd coin.

And since IDEA is not fully funded kids with disabilities get even more of the short stick. A large portion of discretionary funds that accompanied the non SPED kid to the private school are no longer spent on SPED services.
DeSantis' fall back plane is to have the state pay for any student to attend private school / parents to be able to pull their kids out of public school over mask mandates.

How in the fucking fuck can anyone be so cavalier with literally the most vulnerable people in their charge, children and those unable to get vaccinated. Florida will provide private school vouchers to students who don't want to wear face masks -- he's redefining "bullying" to include covid-19 mask shaming, including school mandates to wear masks.

Swear to god someone needs to airdrop him into the middle of the everglades.
How in the fucking fuck can anyone be so cavalier with literally the most vulnerable people in their charge, children and those unable to get vaccinated. Florida will provide private school vouchers to students who don't want to wear face masks -- he's redefining "bullying" to include covid-19 mask shaming, including school mandates to wear masks.

Swear to god someone needs to airdrop him into the middle of the everglades.
“Think of the children“ will forever ring hollow and be an ineffective argument when used by someone on the left for a policy position to someone on the right.It is so ineffective in fact, that it is actually quite counterproductive.

***This is not directed at you personally in any way. I’m just making an observation about the statement itself.***
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“Think of the children“ will forever ring hollow and be an ineffective argument when used by someone on the left for a policy position to someone on the right.It is so ineffective in fact, that it is actually quite counterproductive.
haven't you heard, masks are suffocating our children...

(cue biggest eye roll ever)
“Think of the children“ will forever ring hollow and be an ineffective argument when used by someone on the left for a policy position to someone on the right.It is so ineffective in fact, that it is actually quite counterproductive.

***This is not directed at you personally in any way. I’m just making an observation about the statement itself.***

I understand that, but I really do mean this literally: he's fucking schools over and he's literally putting children in the most vulnerable position possible.

I mean, I guess it might be worse if he started conscripting children to work in covid wards or something.
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I understand that, but I really do mean this literally: he's fucking schools and he's literally putting children in the most vulnerable position possible.

I mean, I guess it might be worse if he started conscripting children to work in covid wards or something.
Children are at almost zero risk of dying from Covid. They make up 0.000560616445193% of the deaths from Covid in the US. (337 out of 601,124) It’s simply not a concern.

Children are at almost zero risk of dying from Covid. They make up 0.000560616445193% of the deaths from Covid in the US. (337 out of 601,124) It’s simply not a concern.

because the schools have been closed for a year, chuck. they're also at real low risk of being eaten by polar bears, but i suspect the numbers will change if we airdrop them into the polar regions.
because the schools have been closed for a year, chuck. they're also at real low risk of being eaten by polar bears, but i suspect the numbers will change if we airdrop them into the polar regions.
No, it’s because Covid simply doesn’t affect kids the way it dies older folks. This is something that has been well known since the beginning of the pandemic. The number one risk factor for severe symptoms and death is age.

Also, Schools haven’t been closed everywhere for the last year. Not even close. Our schools closed for a very short amount of time in spring of 2020. My daughter had only mild interruptions last school year. Hell, she even had her full soccer season.

The risk for children is minimal and there’s plenty of data to back that up. So chill, the sky ain’t falling my dude.
Children are at almost zero risk of dying from Covid. They make up 0.000560616445193% of the deaths from Covid in the US. (337 out of 601,124) It’s simply not a concern.


You do realize children are being hospitalized with delta right?

There was an article yesterday out of Houston where a child had to be flown 150 miles to a different hospital because Houston was out of beds.

Also, those numbers are for COVID in whole, and not Delta specifically. Which is proven to hit young kids harder.
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You do realize children are being hospitalized with delta right?

There was an article yesterday out of Houston where a child had to be flown 150 miles to a different hospital because Houston was out of beds.

Also, those numbers are for COVID in whole, and not Delta specifically. Which is proven to hit young kids harder.
Even at the believed higher transmission and hospitalization rates for Delta, it’s still a very, very low danger to children.
Even at the believed higher transmission and hospitalization rates for Delta, it’s still a very, very low danger to children.

Let's try looking at it another way.

Schools are likely to be a breeding ground for Delta. Maybe most of the kids will not get hospitalized or die, but they for sure can take Delta home to their unvaccinated families. Hell, even their vaccinated families. The vaccine only reduces the risk of being hospitalized or death now. You can still get really sick for several weeks.

Florida is already reporting outbreaks in schools with young children. Once school as 7 children hospitalized and 5 teachers out with COVID within the first week. And this is why they are challenging DeSantis' mask mandate ban in school.
Let's try looking at it another way.

Schools are likely to be a breeding ground for Delta. Maybe most of the kids will not get hospitalized or die, but they for sure can take Delta home to their unvaccinated families. Hell, even their vaccinated families. The vaccine only reduces the risk of being hospitalized or death now. You can still get really sick for several weeks.

Florida is already reporting outbreaks in schools with young children. Once school as 7 children hospitalized and 5 teachers out with COVID within the first week. And this is why they are challenging DeSantis' mask mandate ban in school.
also, again as I stated above if death were the only concern then I would understand better not having a great worry of children contracting Covid. we obviously don't have proof that there are lasting effects and maybe there aren't, but I have seen those concerns of possible long term effects from Covid and I can't imagine any parent wanting that for their child/children.
Let's try looking at it another way.

Schools are likely to be a breeding ground for Delta. Maybe most of the kids will not get hospitalized or die, but they for sure can take Delta home to their unvaccinated families. Hell, even their vaccinated families. The vaccine only reduces the risk of being hospitalized or death now. You can still get really sick for several weeks.

Florida is already reporting outbreaks in schools with young children. Once school as 7 children hospitalized and 5 teachers out with COVID within the first week. And this is why they are challenging DeSantis' mask mandate ban in school.

Health is a concern, but this is what will have a bigger impact. Substitute’s aren’t teachers. There will be problems covering teachers classes during an outbreak.

And it’s not just the health of the kids. They take this virus home and pass it on to others in their house.

As much as remote learning sucked. I would be wanting to work in a school that has do deal with an outbreak multiple times a year.
I know that, sadly, COVID is a political issue, but we do have a thread specifically dedicated to it.

But my two cents in here: You can spit out numbers and statistics about how few children are seriously affected by the virus, but the fact remains children have and are dying, they are getting sick and bringing it home to their families. No one wants to wear masks and social distance for the rest of our lives, and I assume very few people enjoy getting vaccines. But if doing something small like wearing a mask, and getting vaccinated lowers the chances of even ONE child not dying or getting severely sick then spouting rhetoric about "living your life" and "not living in fear" is not only callous, but selfish.

It wasn't meant to be a forever thing, if everyone had followed guidelines for that short time we were all in actual lockdown, and enforced testing and quarantine for travellers things would be back to a place of normalcy already. But selfish, shortsighted, people made this what it is. Florida and Texas are seeing the sharpest rise in cases in children under 12. The more kids get it and pass it to other kids, the more significant that percentage becomes. Being okay with those consequences because you don't "live in fear" is irresponsible. It affects other people. You're making that call for other people, not just yourself, that's my issue with that take.

It's like smoking cigarettes in a room full of children.