Political Discussion

It's looking like the government defaulting is a good possibility come the end of the month. And if that happens the best case scenario is a mild recession.

There is too much infighting going on at the moment to get any agreed too, let alone get enough votes to pass anything as Republicans are pretty much universally opposed to many aspects of the proposed budget.

I think they will come to an agreement. I think the Republicans are dumb but I don't think they will take it there. Maybe I am wrong.
It's looking like the government defaulting is a good possibility come the end of the month. And if that happens the best case scenario is a mild recession.

There is too much infighting going on at the moment to get any agreed too, let alone get enough votes to pass anything as Republicans are pretty much universally opposed to many aspects of the proposed budget.

I think they will come to an agreement. I think the Republicans are dumb but I don't think they will take it there. Maybe I am wrong.
It looks like the Dems are nixing $1B for Israel in order to get progressives on the bandwagon for this bill. The Reps are still saying they won't vote for anything the Dems put up.

It's looking like the government defaulting is a good possibility come the end of the month. And if that happens the best case scenario is a mild recession.

There is too much infighting going on at the moment to get any agreed too, let alone get enough votes to pass anything as Republicans are pretty much universally opposed to many aspects of the proposed budget.
It really isn’t. They do this shit all the time and the Dems could either just raise it themselves or if Biden wants to be really proactive he could just have the US mint issue a Trillion dollar coin.

It won’t even come to that though. No one really care about this issue as long as it’s raised. McConnell wants to be able to run ads in swing states saying that the Dems approved raising the debt ceiling by themselves and that is why divided government is important. I don’t believe this is quite as big of an issue as he thinks it is so likely the Dems will just go it alone if the GOP holds the line.
These rich white men don’t wanna destroy the market for politics they will play brinksmanship up until the very end though.
Here is the latest conspiracy from the loony bin.

My father informed me that as part of the Arizona election audit, 673,000 Voter Identities were processed with the Social Security Administration. 58% of them had no match found.

In other words, they were manufactured votes or illegals voting according to him.

He linked me to this Article:

He's all gun ho that the election results are going to be overturned in Arizona.
Here is the latest conspiracy from the loony bin.

My father informed me that as part of the Arizona election audit, 673,000 Voter Identities were processed with the Social Security Administration. 58% of them had no match found.

In other words, they were manufactured votes or illegals voting according to him.

He linked me to this Article:

He's all gun ho that the election results are going to be overturned in Arizona.

It is a Gateway pundit article which means you know it is bullshit.

Here is the latest conspiracy from the loony bin.

My father informed me that as part of the Arizona election audit, 673,000 Voter Identities were processed with the Social Security Administration. 58% of them had no match found.

In other words, they were manufactured votes or illegals voting according to him.

He linked me to this Article:

He's all gun ho that the election results are going to be overturned in Arizona.
MAGA/Qanon rubes are like Charlie Brown and the Right wing media is like Lucy with the football. How many times do they have to be proven wrong to maybe change their mindset?

Have you ever asked your Pop about all the predictions he has passed along over the past year that have not panned out?
MAGA/Qanon rubes are like Charlie Brown and the Right wing media is like Lucy with the football. How many times do they have to be proven wrong to maybe change their mindset?

Have you ever asked your Pop about all the predictions he has passed along over the past year that have not panned out?

Yes, and according to him Biden was in fact executed for treason last year. His "puppet" is currently in office and will be dealt with soon.
Here is the latest conspiracy from the loony bin.

My father informed me that as part of the Arizona election audit, 673,000 Voter Identities were processed with the Social Security Administration. 58% of them had no match found.

In other words, they were manufactured votes or illegals voting according to him.

He linked me to this Article:

He's all gun ho that the election results are going to be overturned in Arizona.
As a data analyst, I do this sort of thing a lot. I'm given a list of id's, whether it be SSNs or medical card IDs.

First, from the article:
Only in situations where no driver’s license can be provided should the State check their identity through the Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) interface provided by the SSA. The 43 States that participate provide the last 4 of the SS#, the applicant’s name, and DOB. The interface responds if a match was, or was not found, if they are deceased, and so on.

First, what was the result when they went by license number? Second, is the SSN the only criteria that was used to match?

The first problem I see with this is that this database is incomplete, by about 20%--so approximately 20% of all Americans aren't in this database. The second problem I see is that if they are only using the last four digits of a SSN, this could lead to duplicate matches--which usually means that the program will pick the first person with the combo requested and return that. Duplication can lead to false matches or no matches depending on the program you're using.

The other thing that should be pointed out is this:
In fact, Arizona weekly processing has one of the highest Non Match percentages in the country, typically between 50%-65%. In most other States this ratio is from 15%-25%.

This indicates to me, not that there is anything nefarious, but that there is something wrong with AZ's data--and it's most likely due to some sort of data hinkeyness--for instance, leading zeros in one, no leading zeros in the other, leading or trailing spaces in one that does not happen in the other, deduping errors, or my favorite, the format type error (one is stored as a character format and the other is stored as numeric--that will give you a no match every day of the year). To me, it looks like a data issue, and as for them running checks on it, that's exactly what I would do if I found a data issue.
1. At one time, I was paying 22% of my income to daycare providers for my children.
2. What free market is Janet Yellen talking about? This isn't a free market problem. This is a "corporations have held wages stagnant for 50 years and now we are seeing the fall out of coupling that with financialized rentierism. Maybe bring back some means of production over here and outlaw much of what private equity does, and we could get ourselves out of this.

Let's consider a friend of mine who has two profoundly Autistic daughters (also remember that ASD has both a genetic and environmental component, and it has been shown that some environmental chemicals including pesticides could increase the incidence of Autism in a population Prenatal and infant exposure to ambient pesticides and autism spectrum disorder in children: population based case-control study). Her daughters go to a school for ASD kids that is paid for by Medicaid. If they had to pay, it would be about $30K per child per year. So she can either work, and not make enough money to send her children to school, but too much money so that her kids no longer qualify for benefits. Or she can not work, and get the school her kids need. Many mothers make this same choice. It's not as stark as what my friend has to do, but many women are left to care for children and elderly. I had a friend who stayed home to care for her great aunt who had mobility issues due to a stroke. She wasn't able to work, and paying for someone to come in and care for her aunt would have cost too much. It's this same story over and over again. The cost of the care ends up being more than the money brought in by a job, which makes the job pointless because it's putting you further in debt.

It's not that people aren't "doing what they have to". On the contrary, they very much are doing exactly what they have to to reduce their debt. It doesn't make sense to work if it's a net negative. That's really the missing piece in your argument. When you look logically at certain situations, the MOST logical answer is not to work. This implies that our system is broken (which I believe that it is). The people who deny this fact are those that are profiting most if the system stays exactly as is--and the only people that are really profiting from this system are people who own shares of stocks on Wall Street. If you point out the system exploits people and creates pollution, the people profiting from the system get very anxious because they should also be responsible for all the waste that the system they champion creates. They are running away from their responsibility to our society and this planet. They rationalize it through a doctrine of personal freedom.

We never had professional childcare. We paid My mother in law a small about to stay with out kid before school age. We then phased that out as my wife eased into part time. Paying for childcare never made sense financially. It’s still an issue even though he is in school. My wife has to take a good 3 hours out each workday for drop off and pickup.
As a data analyst, I do this sort of thing a lot. I'm given a list of id's, whether it be SSNs or medical card IDs.

First, from the article:
Only in situations where no driver’s license can be provided should the State check their identity through the Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) interface provided by the SSA. The 43 States that participate provide the last 4 of the SS#, the applicant’s name, and DOB. The interface responds if a match was, or was not found, if they are deceased, and so on.

First, what was the result when they went by license number? Second, is the SSN the only criteria that was used to match?

The first problem I see with this is that this database is incomplete, by about 20%--so approximately 20% of all Americans aren't in this database. The second problem I see is that if they are only using the last four digits of a SSN, this could lead to duplicate matches--which usually means that the program will pick the first person with the combo requested and return that. Duplication can lead to false matches or no matches depending on the program you're using.

The other thing that should be pointed out is this:
In fact, Arizona weekly processing has one of the highest Non Match percentages in the country, typically between 50%-65%. In most other States this ratio is from 15%-25%.

This indicates to me, not that there is anything nefarious, but that there is something wrong with AZ's data--and it's most likely due to some sort of data hinkeyness--for instance, leading zeros in one, no leading zeros in the other, leading or trailing spaces in one that does not happen in the other, deduping errors, or my favorite, the format type error (one is stored as a character format and the other is stored as numeric--that will give you a no match every day of the year). To me, it looks like a data issue, and as for them running checks on it, that's exactly what I would do if I found a data issue.
Of course they have data issues, they've had morons that don't do this kind of analysis futzing with their data. (See also "that data is corrupt, you had bad code running on it, the data is gone")

It's the same kind of diminution of expertise that trump himself was famous for ("who knew that medical insurance was so complicated") and that has led to the covid vaccine mistrust and demonization of fauci.
The opioid crisis has had my province in a public health emergency since 2016 but the provincial government has decided to no longer fund naloxone kits for police, while still providing them with increasingly militarized vehicles and armaments.
We never had professional childcare. We paid My mother in law a small about to stay with out kid before school age. We then phased that out as my wife eased into part time. Paying for childcare never made sense financially. It’s still an issue even though he is in school. My wife has to take a good 3 hours out each workday for drop off and pickup.
Yep, you are the regular case that I'm thinking of.
Child care is insanely expensive for how little they pay the workers.
Of course they have data issues, they've had morons that don't do this kind of analysis futzing with their data. (See also "that data is corrupt, you had bad code running on it, the data is gone")

It's the same kind of diminution of expertise that trump himself was famous for ("who knew that medical insurance was so complicated") and that has led to the covid vaccine mistrust and demonization of fauci.
OMG, that video.....I'm dying.....
I have had mangers like that who thought that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING could be done in 15 minutes. "Go and pull this data. It should only take you 15 minutes." (as I look at a request that's going to have a million lines coming back--i.e. ain't gonna take 15 minutes)

Also, he's so right AI is garbage. Okay, so it's not garbage, it's just doesn't really give the results that it always should because it's limited by the person that coded it. It's definitely not ready for many of the uses we want it for (this is part of why we won't be getting self driving cars any time soon.
The opioid crisis has had my province in a public health emergency since 2016 but the provincial government has decided to no longer fund naloxone kits for police, while still providing them with increasingly militarized vehicles and armaments.
And yet, meanwhile...

Members of the Sackler family who are at the center of the nation's deadly opioid crisis have won sweeping immunity from opioid lawsuits linked to their privately owned company Purdue Pharma and its OxyContin medication.

Federal Judge Robert Drain approved a bankruptcy settlement on Wednesday that grants the Sacklers "global peace" from any liability for the opioid epidemic.

"This is a bitter result," Drain said. "I believe that at least some of the Sackler parties have liability for those [opioid OxyContin] claims. ... I would have expected a higher settlement."

The complex bankruptcy plan, confirmed by Drain at a hearing in White Plains, N.Y., was negotiated in a series of intense closed-door mediation sessions over the past two years.

The deal grants "releases" from liability for harm caused by OxyContin and other opioids to the Sacklers, hundreds of their associates, as well as their remaining empire of companies and trusts.

In return, they have agreed to pay roughly $4.3 billion, while also forfeiting ownership of Purdue Pharma.


The GOP apparently wanted probes and investigations into Biden over Afghanistan. Democrats quietly limited the GOP's ability to do that.

The GOP apparently wanted probes and investigations into Biden over Afghanistan. Democrats quietly limited the GOP's ability to do that.
Yeah, this is never going to be a problem for the Democrats...

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned that Democrats' moves could "very much" come back to haunt them if they lose the majority.
OMG, that video.....I'm dying.....
I have had mangers like that who thought that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING could be done in 15 minutes. "Go and pull this data. It should only take you 15 minutes." (as I look at a request that's going to have a million lines coming back--i.e. ain't gonna take 15 minutes)

Also, he's so right AI is garbage. Okay, so it's not garbage, it's just doesn't really give the results that it always should because it's limited by the person that coded it. It's definitely not ready for many of the uses we want it for (this is part of why we won't be getting self driving cars any time soon.
re: the risitas video; the original story is about his summer job as a young man at a paella restaurant on the spanish seaside, someone more uh...intimately familiar with project management supplied the subtitles

The GOP apparently wanted probes and investigations into Biden over Afghanistan. Democrats quietly limited the GOP's ability to do that.
Republicans: "Hey, we're the only ones allowed to cheat and manipulate, WTF!"

...........cry me a river