Political Discussion

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is asking the Supreme Court to overturn the House proxy voting protocols that were put in place in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
McCarthy released a statement Thursday saying that justices should "uphold the Constitution by overturning Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi's perpetual proxy voting power grab."
It's the latest salvo by Republicans to do away with the provision that enables members to have a colleague vote for them even though they are not physically present in the House chamber.
The provision, House Resolution 965, was adopted by the House in March 2020, and has been widely used by members of both sides of the aisle, often for non-pandemic reasons.
A bit more apt would be to allow private citizens to sue any gun retailers that sells a firearm if the firearm sold ends up being being used for an illegal act. It doesn’t outright ban firearms (which is obviously protected by the constitution) but would make it highly unlikely that anyone would be willing to sell guns within the state borders It would essentially pigeon hole the SCOTUS.
Yes, banning gun sales with enforcement through private suits would be more effective, because gun sellers would be easier targets for whistleblowers and would face an onslaught of lawsuits if they continued to sell. But the constitutionality of the underlying ban is irrelevant if the SC won't hear the case, so there's no need to limit the law to only sales that result in crime. Roe is based on constitutional rights too.
The DOJ filed a lawsuit today trying to invalidated Texas Abortion Law. They heavily criticized the law as being unconstitutional and designed to take as long as possible to work it's way through the judicial system. They are seeking to invalidated it and have an emergency stay.

The law has already resulted in dozens of abortion providers in Texas closing up shop and those that didn't close limiting abortion to the first 6 weeks. They don't want to touch the risk of being sued.

Here lies the problem with Texas's law. When it comes to the judicial system, nothing can be done until after someone is sued over providing an abortion. While lawsuits may have already been filed, it could be weeks or months for their court dates. And then because there is nothing like this law before, it has to work it's way through the entire court system up to the SCOTUS. The bill was designed to keep the ban on abortions for as long as possible and hope that places close up shop. Then have a new bill ready to go once it's overturned.

The DOJ is going after the law in a roundabout way. Since the SCOTUS has already declined to hear anything over the technicality that no one has been sued yet, the DOJ is using another Federal Law that prohibits anyone making threats to someone over reproductive rights.

They are essentially saying people are threatening people with lawsuits for providing abortions which is a violation of this federal law. Who knows if this approach will hold up in today's SCOTUS, but it's the best shot at invalidating Texas' law sooner rather than later.
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Also, not to mention this persons rent is only $550 a month. Even if I had a roommate and split my rent my rent would be double that!

For at least 40% of Americans, if not more, it doesn't matter how disciplined you are, saving money is just not possible due to current wages and cost of living.
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The Feds just fined Wells Fargo an additional $250 million because they are not moving fast enough to compensate victims of the banks unsound / unfair practices.

Also related, Wells Fargo recently cut off all personal credit lines. They said they were getting out of the business in a recent restructure. They sent a letter out that they were terminated every ones accounts, and that they could not appeal. It's a done deal.

This is a huge issue because closing peoples accounts impacts their credit scores which is hugely unfair to consumers who can do nothing about it. Consumers looking to take out a mortgage could end up paying thousands of dollars more over the course of their mortgage because of the impact to their credit score by the closed account. Especially those already victimized by the banks practices and those living at or below the poverty line. Personal credit lines also include accounts people have to protect themselves in the event of an overdraft. So, this is essentially cutting peoples overdraft protection as well.

This is just another example about how the credit report system is hot garbage and is designed to generate revenue for the financial system from the poor and keep the poor down. Why does a bank closing your account, something out of your control, negatively impact your credit score and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
The economy relief package, the second part of Biden's agenda that they are trying to pass in tandem with the infrastructure bill appears to be crumbling as well.

Just like the infrastructure bill, Joe Manchin and one other moderate democrat will be a no vote. The same old story, bill is rushed, to expensive and they will not support any bill without Republican support.

Even worse, this bill may not even pass the house as democrats are split and getting further and further apart from each other.

Moderates are trying to get a bill that will pass the senate. Get some republican support and gain the support of the moderate Democrats in the senate.

The progressives in the house say the bill doesn't go anywhere far enough and are pushing for more social safety nets. They want to give support to the people in need. Not just the economy or corporations.
The economy relief package, the second part of Biden's agenda that they are trying to pass in tandem with the infrastructure bill appears to be crumbling as well.

Just like the infrastructure bill, Joe Manchin and one other moderate democrat will be a no vote. The same old story, bill is rushed, to expensive and they will not support any bill without Republican support.

Even worse, this bill may not even pass the house as democrats are split and getting further and further apart from each other.

Moderates are trying to get a bill that will pass the senate. Get some republican support and gain the support of the moderate Democrats in the senate.

The progressives in the house say the bill doesn't go anywhere far enough and are pushing for more social safety nets. They want to give support to the people in need. Not just the economy or corporations.
Both will pass this is political wrangling that always happens. The Dems will agree on something though it likely won’t be the exact package that is being pushed right now, it will be something similar.

People are really out here trying to retain human rights, protect themselves and others from a pandemic ravaging the world, provide support for the millions in need, and the other side is freaking out about a dress a lady wore to a party... Like.. Sure it might have been a bit tone deaf, I don't think she really thought that through... but really? That's you're big "LOOK! HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT THIS!?!" moment? A dress a young woman wore? I'm talking grown-ass men posting pictures on facebook all "how dare a politician attend a party and attempt to make a political statement! This is an affront to the American way of life!" Sort your life out, bud, you've lost the lead.


And at times like this I think fuck the EU and can understand a Brexit sentiment, if not the Brexiteers sentiment or the decision.

We are not one large country. We are many closely aligned nations. We are constitutionally neutral country and we will not wage a war. If France and Germany want to go invading the bloody east then do it under your own damn flags.
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These two articles are related. Also, I'm tired of dealing with politicians that are paid off by big business. It creates a predatory environment for consumers who never know if they are being price gouged for products that a corporation paid the EPA or FDA to green light regardless of safety concerns.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s aggressive drug pricing package failed a key committee vote on Wednesday, prompting questions about whether the measure can survive a full House vote.

Reps. Scott Peters (Calif.), Kurt Schrader (Ore.), and Kathleen Rice (N.Y.), all Democrats, followed through on their threats to vote against the provision in the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s markup. Republicans unanimously opposed the measure, too, leading to a tie vote that means the provision failed to advance to a full House vote.

Since their hauls from pharma companies last cycle, the Democratic H.R. 3 skeptics have continued to see donations come in from drugmakers. This year, Peters received PAC contributions of $5,000 from Eli Lilly, $2,5000 from Merck, $5,000 from Amgen, and $2,500 from Pfizer on May 25, a couple of weeks after the letter he co-led was published, according to the PACs’ FEC reports. Peters was given $5,000 in June by GlaxoSmithKline’s PAC.

The other two were also paid off by the pharmaceutical industry, just not as much as Peters.

Here's more if you want to read about how many politicians this industry has bought: These Senators Received The Biggest Checks From Pharma Companies Testifying Tuesday

And at times like this I think fuck the EU and can understand a Brexit sentiment, if not the Brexiteers sentiment or the decision.

We are not one large country. We are many closely aligned nations. We are constitutionally neutral country and we will not wage a war. If France and Germany want to go invading the bloody east then do it under your own damn flags.
I wonder if this is directly related to the new UK/US/Australia pact aimed at making China grumpy.

I wonder if this is directly related to the new UK/US/Australia pact aimed at making China grumpy.

It’s in part a retaliation to that pact but probably more because the Australians last minute pulled a deal for the French to build the submarines to hand the contact to the US and part due to intense EU criticism of the U.K. & US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

There is beyond this a Franco-German, but supported by the Low Countries, push towards increasingly tight integration within the EU that puts me on edge. I don’t want to live in a federal Europe, I want to live in Ireland as a part of the EU.
I wonder if this is directly related to the new UK/US/Australia pact aimed at making China grumpy.
