Political Discussion

The Republicans agenda right now seems to be obstruct the democrats and watch them crash and burn at trying to run the government, than utilize that to attack them in the 2022 midterm elections.

This has always been the strategy

I really think the Republicans may let the country default because they no know limits. They are savage at getting their agenda done. And if it's making the democrats look like a complete failure so they can take over and save the country I think they will do it.

The red party platform and strategy has been to dismantle the infrastructure of government to let their inequitable, only free to some market, rule all decision-making... leveraging the police, white christian zealots, and basic good ol American bigots to do their bidding. Public education has been undermined, the military has been undermined, the tax code has been undermined, the social safety net has been undermined, basic human rights have been undermined. They've been very successful.

So it's no surprise there are representatives in the house and senate (and in the supreme court) actively seeking to dismantle society.

The blue party platform also wants to maintain an inequitable market dominated society but prop it up with government under the guise of services that rarely meet the needs of the people who need them most and are controlled by the politically powerful. So the blue's have little firm ground to stand on creating an easy road to success for the red team.
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Yes, and according to him Biden was in fact executed for treason last year. His "puppet" is currently in office and will be dealt with soon.
Puppet? So he’s controlling him from beyond the grave? How odd…
Yeah, this one fascinates me. Who executed him, and when exactly? And who installed this "puppet"? Is the "puppet" an impersonator, or a simulation? I want to know more.
Was visiting a field site last week and saw someone with a Trump - Pence sign in their yard with the Pence portion cut out. So this person went through the trouble of pulling the sign out of the yard, cutting out the traitorous Mike Pence's name, and sticking the sign back in the yard so that everyone who lives near or drives by can see that they are not only a giant dumb-dumb but have too much time on their hands.

I was impressed.

Given that this is the level of active engagement by a not insignificant number of the American voting public it is no surprise that other people with too much time on their hands and limited cognitive capacity would think that Joe Biden was murdered, skinned, converted into some sort of cyborg puppet by a kabal of commies who are going to take their freedoms and murder their babies.

logic has no home in this realm
Watching this closely as I have been reading a lot about AI algorithms being introduced in all sorts of systems for all sorts of things--things that it's not really appropriate for such as self-driving vehicles (they just aren't ready for prime time). I would love it if these companies had to crack open some of their algorithms and look at the data that coordinates with it. For instance, Amazon workers are 80% more likely to be in a work place accident. (Amazon warehouse injuries '80% higher' than competitors, report claims)

On Wednesday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that will bar "mega-retailers" like Amazon, from firing warehouse workers for missing quotas, according to the San Francisco Gate. Mega-retailers, those companies that employ more than 1,000 warehouse workers, will now have to disclose how their algorithms judge worker productivity.

“We cannot allow corporations to put profit over people,” Newsom, said in a news release announcing he had signed the law according to the San Francisco Gate.

The new law will also ensure that mega-retailers cannot discipline workers for following health and safety laws and will allow employees to sue for suspension of unsafe quotas or combating retaliation.


We live in weird times.

The first Lake County Illinois man has died of Rabies since 1954. Why did he die? He refused the shot after being exposed to rabies.

Rabies has virtually a 100% mortality rate once exposed to it without the shot. I can only imagine the current political environment around shots/vaccines contributed to this.
Expanding the Child Tax Credit through 2025 is something most Democrats are pushing hard for. It would cut child poverty in half in our country. This expansion is included in the 3.5 Trillion economic bill.

But it looks like this is the the first thing that will be cut as they attempt to slash the dollar figure. Right now they simply do not have the votes to pass the senate. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema simply will not support a bill with a dollar figure that they. To get their vote they need to slash the bill substantially. And unfortunately, the most progressive, best things for our constituents are first on the cutting block.
Expanding the Child Tax Credit through 2025 is something most Democrats are pushing hard for. It would cut child poverty in half in our country. This expansion is included in the 3.5 Trillion economic bill.

But it looks like this is the the first thing that will be cut as they attempt to slash the dollar figure. Right now they simply do not have the votes to pass the senate. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema simply will not support a bill with a dollar figure that they. To get their vote they need to slash the bill substantially. And unfortunately, the most progressive, best things for our constituents are first on the cutting block.
You pay way too much attention to the negotiation portion of all this. Both sides are going to go back and forth lots of unnamed sources talking to to press in hopes of stirring a frenzy for stuff they want gets included/excluded from the bill. It’s never pretty to see how the sausage is made and I am sure the end result will still not be pleasing to everyone but it’s not worth worrying about stances politicians are pushing (via the media) until they have something finalized. Waiting until the last possible moment unfortunately is now baked into the process. Something will be put up for a vote shortly. I will start worrying about it then.
Rabies has virtually a 100% mortality rate once exposed to it without the shot. I can only imagine the current political environment around shots/vaccines contributed to this.

In fact, statistically, rabies is 100% fatal. In modern recorded medical history there have been 29 survivors of rabies; the last of which was in 2017. 3 of those were using the Milwaukee protocol, where they put you in a coma and let the rabies burn itself out -- the discovery of which is one of those things i find personally fascinating and horrifying: Rodney Versus Death | Radiolab | WNYC Studios

We live in weird times.

The first Lake County Illinois man has died of Rabies since 1954. Why did he die? He refused the shot after being exposed to rabies.

Rabies has virtually a 100% mortality rate once exposed to it without the shot. I can only imagine the current political environment around shots/vaccines contributed to this.

This is how the zombie apocalypse begins.
@RenegadeMonster some more about the school bus shortages:

Basically, low pay with no benefits, better options other places, aging work force and the worker furlough that happened during Covid quarantines didn't help. But it highlights a systemic issue of really awful jobs that don't pay enough and workers are tired of taking crappy jobs for crappy pay working under crappy terms.

1000% all the money is gonna come out of climate. Bank it. Meanwhile the infrastructure plan was gutten of most clean solutions-- to the point where it's actually a net negative for the environment.

Despicable old man.

1000% all the money is gonna come out of climate. Bank it. Meanwhile the infrastructure plan was gutten of most clean solutions-- to the point where it's actually a net negative for the environment.

Despicable old man.

1000% all the money is gonna go to contractors who funded campaigns. Unlike the OSS of yore, most of this money is going to go to big construction companies. There is no requirement to pay people they hire a living wage or provide them with insurance, just lots of money for large corporations to mis-spend. They don't care about the damage they are doing to the environment because their stock holders expect dividends.

I'm in healthcare and seeing how big pharma is paying off senators to make sure to kill the bill that was supposed to reduce the price we pay for pharmaceuticals. It's despicable.