Well-Known Member
Most of the people that say they don't want to pay for other people's healthcare don't realize that that's exactly what group health insurance is. Ever see insurance rates at companies with an older average age of employees?Because people don't understand what Medicare for All really means and they have been conditioned to believe that government run programs are doomed to failure or at a minimum be not done very well. btw there is ample evidence to support those thoughts and opinions.
This is also a failure on the part of the people who are advocating for these programs / policies. Policies I support btw. This has been defined as "socialized medicine." Socialized anything is a very scary term to the average person. The average person has been averagely taught to averagely think and averagely consider average narratives about what social programs are and do. Most people conflate communist regimes and social principles. It. Is. Frightening. to many many people.
That fear is something that many of us "progressives" ignore. We tend to consider people who are fearful as less than, under-educated, dumb even. Those attitudes are shaming and have dramatically limited progressive policies in the U.S. I believe these attitudes drove some of the "disaffected" Americans to get on team MAGA.
It would serve everyone (including myself and the Sanders campaign )if we approached the fearful and unconvinced with compassion instead of an assumption that their ignorance is bliss and by choice.
The argument that "it's the right thing to do," even if it is, is not persuasive and is really not persuasive if it is attached to a "with us or against us attitude." Buttigiege and Klobochar are profiting off of that attitude and it makes their electability arguments much more convincing to the people that are fearful of social principles and ideas.
Oh, and you're not only paying for other people's healthcare you're paying profits to a 3rd party.